Sunday, May 24, 2020
Using Vivre in French Expressions
The French verb vivre literally means to live and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to be at peace, move with the times, live to a ripe old age, and more with this list of expressions with vivre. Possible Meanings of vivre to liveto be alive(in the passà © composà ©) to be over, to have had its day, to be a thing of the past Expressions with vivre vivre au jour le jourto live from hand to mouthvivre aux crochets de quelquun (informal)to live/sponge off someonevivre avec quelquunto live with someonevivre avec son à ©poqueto move with the timesvivre avec son tempsto move with the timesvivre biento live wellvivre centenaireto live to be 100vivre comme mari et femmeto live as husband and wifevivre damour et deau fraà ®cheto live on love alone, to live a carefree lifevivre dangereusementto live dangerouslyvivre dans la crainteto live in fearvivre dans les livresto live in booksvivre dans le passà ©to live in the pastvivre deto live on, make a living fromvivre de lair du tempsto live on airvivre des temps troublà ©sto live in troubled timesvivre en paix (avec soi-mà ªme)to be at peace (with oneself)vivre largementto live wellvivre le prà ©sentto live for the presentvivre linstantto live for the momentvivre mal quelque chose to have a hard time of somethingvivre que pour quelque choseto live for somethingvivre sa foito live out ones faithvivre sa vieto live ones own lifevivre son artto live out ones artvivre sur sa rà ©putationto get by on the strength of ones reputationvivre une pà ©riode de criseto be going through a period of crisisvivre vieuxto live to a ripe old ageavoir (juste) de quoi vivreto have (just) enough to live onà ªtre facile/difficile à vivreto be easy/difficult to live withfaire vivre quelquunto support somone, keep someone goingsavoir vivreto know how to live (have a good life) or to know how to behave se laisser vivreto live for the day, to take life as it comestravailler pour vivreto work for a livingÇa lui apprendra à vivreThatll straighten him>Lhomme ne vit pas seulement de pain.Man shall not live by bread alone.Il fait bon vivre.Its good to be alive.Il faut bien vivre !You have to live!Il me fait vivreIt pays the bills, Its a livingIl vit un beau roman damourHis life is a love story come trueJe vais lui apprendre à vivreIll teach him a thing or twoL aissez-les vivre !Let them be!On ne voyait à ¢me qui viveThere wasnt a living soul to be seen.Qui vivra verra.What will be will be.La vie ne vaut pas la peine dà ªtre và ©cue.Life isnt worth living.Vive... !Long live ...! Hurrah for ...!Vive la France !Long live France!lart de vivreway of lifela joie de vivrejoy of lifele savoir-vivremannersle vivre et le couvertbed and boardle vivre et le logementroom and boardles vivressupplies, provisionscouper les vivres à quelquunto cut off someones means of subsistenceà ªtre sur le qui-viveto be on the alertla vielifeCest la vie !Thats life!vivant (adj)living, alive, livelyde son vivantin his/her lifetimela vive-eauspring tidevivement (adv)brusquely, sharplyVivre conjugations
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