Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Attitude, behavior, & high quality of customer relationship management Research Proposal
Mentality, conduct, and high caliber of client relationship the board effects on the Saudi shopper purchasing choice - Research Proposal Example In this specific situation, client care is the foundation on which client relationship depends to an impressive degree. At the end of the day, client assistance decides and impacts client relationship and empowers the business firms to create positive relationship with clients. Client assistance speaks to an incorporated and far reaching set of business procedures and practices conveyed by business firms to the clients. Business associations overall endeavor to convey an upgraded and improved arrangement of client benefits so as to involve high consumer loyalty (Shoult, 2006). It has likewise been distinguished that client purchasing choice impacts by the client assistance fundamentally. High caliber and positive client administrations pull in clients in buying or benefiting specific items and administrations. Then again, low quality and poor client support drove the clients to switch over to different contenders. This follow up on the piece of clients of exchanging over to different contenders influences picture and notoriety of business firms adversely. This circumstance of exchanging over different contenders wins all the more altogether if there should arise an occurrence of Saudi Arabian business firms. The current examination study targets distinguishing and dissecting level of client care in Saudi Arabian firms like carriers, banks, media transmission organizations, clinics, eateries and some more. The factors influencing Saudi Arabian consumers’ choice like value, quality, after deals administrations, contending offers and a lot more will likewise be talked about in the basic investigation. The determination of exploration techniques, information assortment procedures and approaches will likewise be done as per generally reason and points of the examination. The examination issue goes about as an establishing stone for the investigation as it clears the way for arranging and directing different areas of the exploration procedure. Considering this, research
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Do Less Blacks Than Their Fell Essay Example For Students
Do Less Blacks Than Their Fell Essay Do less blacks than their individual white Americans utilize the web? As indicated by the Pew Study on Internet Usage , the appropriate response is indeed, however this examination rushes to call attention to that its not simply shading, its a blend of things. Be that as it may, as per Leonce Gaiter , creator of Is the Web unreasonably Cool for Blacks, the web mocksour essential convictions, our center wants. (p 643) Gaiter straight expresses that most of white Americans have a numbness for dark culture. He doesn't set aside the effort to address the other genuine reasons representing the dark lack, yet keeps on shaking on about bias and bigotry, not in any event, halting to archive legitimate sources. Have ethics and qualities changed in America and abandoned blacks? As indicated by Gaiter, the web cannot assist us with accomplishing our 50s and 60s beliefs (p 643). Blacks despite everything need the conventional American Dream. Indeed, what is the conventional American Dream? Maybe, the fantasy is to have a great vehicle and house, and a great job. In any case, rather than Gaiter, I accept that these are very similar things we need today. Nothing has changed aside from the way that business visionaries have developed with the development of the Web. Individuals are discovering approaches to bring in cash from roads they never longed for. The American Dream as we probably am aware it has not disappeared or been abandoned, it has just been changed to incorporate family time and individual objectives. Despite the fact that bigotry has diminished in the public arena today, it despite everything is a danger to getting individuals on the Web. These days, blacks are by all account not the only one being oppressed its all minorities. In examines directed, of the online network, just 23% are non-white. Along these lines, non-whites are awkward with the way that they may chat with the individuals who under ordinary conditions would show preference against them. President Clinton expressed that his objective was to have a PC in each home before the finish of his term. Yet, what number of individuals will need to get to the web in the event that it is viewed as white? Gaiter expressed that the web is viewed as white and subsequently individuals remain away to maintain a strategic distance from inconvenience, regardless of whether they are offered the chance. The main issue that Leonce Gaiter didn't completely address is financial matters. With the measure of individuals on government help developing regular, financial matters acts like a major issue. Studies have indicated that of most of the individuals who don't utilize the web in any event 35% were at a monetary inconvenience. By what method can this issue of financial matters be illuminated? One of the key answers will be to bring down the cost of PCs and to make Web get to modest and open, with the goal that everybody will have the chance to progress innovatively. On the off chance that this issue is dealt with, more blacks and different minorities will exploit the web. Everybody merits the change to perceive what the web brings to the table. At the point when individuals can move beyond their disparities and see the potential this brings to the table, life will detonate with conceivable outcomes!
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Grades in Context
Grades in Context If you go to MIT, the odds are good that youll get a B at some point. Is that one of this years end-of-the-world scenarios? Not exactly. Let me be frank: If you were to look at my external transcript, youd see a B next to 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism), and a B next to 5.13 (Organic Chemistry II). And you might conclude a few things about my capabilities. If youre new to how MIT shows off your grades, then I should tell you that external transcripts drop any plus or minus modifiers, so an A+ looks exactly like an A-, which in turn looks like an A. Thats great if you squeak by with an A- for a term in one class, but if you got, say, a B+, you might feel robbed. But enough of the preemptive justifications. Let me tell you a story of two Bs. 8.02 8.02 was a second semester class for me, so my attention was divided between a sort of limerence for the days of yore the good ol pass/no record days, which are now a year old a concern for my future prospects of going to med school, and the knowledge that if I horribly messed up, at least Id be able to no record a class and do it over. After a frightening semester of flying washing machines and ridiculous gyroscopes in 8.01, I felt pretty certain that 8.02 was going to school me. Yes, I had passed 8.01, but I imagined that this time around, the problems Id have to solve would involve charged gyroscopes inside washing machines with changing magnetic fields. It also didnt help that bits of 18.02, a class whose nigh-inscrutable concepts racked my brains to no end, had a few guest appearances in the 8.02 curriculum. I mean, isnt that why the class numbers end in the same 3 digits? In any case, I was pretty scared. Then the first week of classes came around. Surprisingly, I wasnt struggling. Like, at all. The first of the Maxwell equations, Gausss law, involved calculations that were made much easier due to symmetry. I quickly caught on to signs of spherical and cylindrical symmetry and applied the proper equations. As we expanded to other concepts and other equations, the crucial hints stuck out like sore thumbs. I let the heaviness of my fears of having to do complicated calculations (a la 18.02) dissipate through sighs of relief. And gradually, I let my guard down. I did so to the detriment of another seemingly small component of my 8.02 grade. Due before every 8.02 lecture is a set of reading questions. They were seldom graded too harshly, but I thought they were redundant even a bit of a waste if we were just going to cover the material in class. To further put that in perspective, I typically wasnt the type to read material before class. That plan even worked out, to some extent, in the first semester. I balked at the idea of having ones grade hinge solely on ones ability to recapitulate concepts from the reading. So, midway through the semester, I would drop reading questions whenever I had too much else to do that night, or if I simply wasnt feeling in the mood to do them. After all, I reasoned, the exams were straightforward, so I might as well treat myself. Fast forward to the final exam. I figured, correctly, that there would be no surprises. But as it turns out, I lost a few too many points on the final and wound up with a B+ for the term. Do you know what couldve brought my grade up? Seriously, guess what couldve given me enough of a buffer to bring my grade up. Doing all of the freakin reading questions. Had I done that, I mightve gained the extra three points I needed for an A! Moral of the story? Dont throw away free points! 5.13 If 8.02 initially struck me as the class for which I thought Id need my brown trousers, then 5.13 was the class for which I thought Id need a defibrillator and a well-trained team of paramedics and EMTs on call. Really that bad. My prognosis on the class got so bad that I switched it to sophomore exploratory, which is basically the sophomore version of pass/no record. More specifically, you get to choose one class per term as a sophomore; if you get a grade youre not satisfied with, you can switch it to listener status, salvaging your GPA for that term and allowing you to take it again with no penalty. Why was I so scared? One of my premed friends (Ahmed, an ol blogger alum who desperately hopes one of you readers will recognize him :p) warned me about his brief experience with 5.13. Since 100% of ones grade in 5.13 is determined by 4 midterms and the final, he simply referenced the first two exams that he took before he dropped the class. On the first, he was broadsided with something close to a 30/100. For the second exam, which he thought he was going to absolutely own as he walked into the exam room, he did about 10 points worse. He eventually did orgo 2 another time, but jeeeeeeeeeeez, if his horror stories didnt give me misgivings about taking 5.13, then Id have to guess that I lacked an amygdala. The first exam mirrored his experience, though my scores, after all those years, were most likely adjusted for inflation. I remember my first score was a 49/100, just a point or two shy of the C/B border. On the positive side, that was much better than I was expecting! On the negative side, I had the sinking feeling that it could only get worse from there until it didnt. On the second exam, I jumped up 9 points, but I wouldnt know that until after I hurriedly made arrangements with my advisor to switch 5.13 to sophomore exploratory status. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised by my grade, but I learned a few things from 8.02 and kept my guard up throughout the semester. Even for all of my hard work, though, 5.13 never really clicked in the way that other classes did. I sought advice from my TA during office hours once a week, doubled up on recitations on some weeks, and referred to two textbooks for practice problems. Admittedly, I felt like I was burning the candle at both ends as I continued my strenuous studies. Maybe that was why I wound up with a B in the class: because I never gave myself a break in that class, leading to numerous moments where I simply tapped out during study sessions and didnt feel like continuing. Maybe if I paced myself, Id be taking in all of the material at a reasonable pace. I mulled over this, endlessly, as I walked out of a very disappointing final exam session. But then I stopped myself when I remembered what one of my good friends at Wellesley College told me a year ago. Grades arent always a measure of effort, but if you happen to get an A, a B, or even a C after busting your backside over the material, then you did what you could. And frankly, getting a B after all of that is something to be proud of. I have until registration day for the spring semester to change 5.13 to listener status, a good two months or so after the last day of fall term. But you know what? As far as that B is concerned, I think Ill just let it be.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Using Vivre in French Expressions
The French verb vivre literally means to live and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. Learn how to be at peace, move with the times, live to a ripe old age, and more with this list of expressions with vivre. Possible Meanings of vivre to liveto be alive(in the passà © composà ©) to be over, to have had its day, to be a thing of the past Expressions with vivre vivre au jour le jourto live from hand to mouthvivre aux crochets de quelquun (informal)to live/sponge off someonevivre avec quelquunto live with someonevivre avec son à ©poqueto move with the timesvivre avec son tempsto move with the timesvivre biento live wellvivre centenaireto live to be 100vivre comme mari et femmeto live as husband and wifevivre damour et deau fraà ®cheto live on love alone, to live a carefree lifevivre dangereusementto live dangerouslyvivre dans la crainteto live in fearvivre dans les livresto live in booksvivre dans le passà ©to live in the pastvivre deto live on, make a living fromvivre de lair du tempsto live on airvivre des temps troublà ©sto live in troubled timesvivre en paix (avec soi-mà ªme)to be at peace (with oneself)vivre largementto live wellvivre le prà ©sentto live for the presentvivre linstantto live for the momentvivre mal quelque chose to have a hard time of somethingvivre que pour quelque choseto live for somethingvivre sa foito live out ones faithvivre sa vieto live ones own lifevivre son artto live out ones artvivre sur sa rà ©putationto get by on the strength of ones reputationvivre une pà ©riode de criseto be going through a period of crisisvivre vieuxto live to a ripe old ageavoir (juste) de quoi vivreto have (just) enough to live onà ªtre facile/difficile à vivreto be easy/difficult to live withfaire vivre quelquunto support somone, keep someone goingsavoir vivreto know how to live (have a good life) or to know how to behave se laisser vivreto live for the day, to take life as it comestravailler pour vivreto work for a livingÇa lui apprendra à vivreThatll straighten him>Lhomme ne vit pas seulement de pain.Man shall not live by bread alone.Il fait bon vivre.Its good to be alive.Il faut bien vivre !You have to live!Il me fait vivreIt pays the bills, Its a livingIl vit un beau roman damourHis life is a love story come trueJe vais lui apprendre à vivreIll teach him a thing or twoL aissez-les vivre !Let them be!On ne voyait à ¢me qui viveThere wasnt a living soul to be seen.Qui vivra verra.What will be will be.La vie ne vaut pas la peine dà ªtre và ©cue.Life isnt worth living.Vive... !Long live ...! Hurrah for ...!Vive la France !Long live France!lart de vivreway of lifela joie de vivrejoy of lifele savoir-vivremannersle vivre et le couvertbed and boardle vivre et le logementroom and boardles vivressupplies, provisionscouper les vivres à quelquunto cut off someones means of subsistenceà ªtre sur le qui-viveto be on the alertla vielifeCest la vie !Thats life!vivant (adj)living, alive, livelyde son vivantin his/her lifetimela vive-eauspring tidevivement (adv)brusquely, sharplyVivre conjugations
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Rise of Communism in Russia - 2447 Words
The Rise of Communism in Russia Unless we accept the claim that LeninÕs coup dՎtat gave birth to an entirely new state, and indeed to a new era in the history of mankind, we must recognize in todayÕs Soviet Union the old empire of the Russians -- the only empire that survived into the mid 1980s (Luttwak, 1). In their Communist Manifesto of 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels applied the term communism to a final stage of socialism in which all class differences would disappear and humankind would live in harmony. Marx and Engels claimed to have discovered a scientific approach to socialism based on the laws of history. They declared that the course of history was determined by the clash of opposing forces rooted in†¦show more content†¦The crowds demanded food and the step down of Tsar. When the troops were called in to disperse the crowds, they refused to fire their weapons and joined in the rioting. The army generals reported that it would be pointless to send in any more troops, because they would only join in with the other rioters. The frustrated tsar responded by stepping down from power, ending the 300-year- old Romanov dynasty (Farah, 580). With the tsar out of power, a new provisional government took over made up of middle-class Duma representatives. Also rising to power was a rival government called the Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Soldiers Deputies consisting of workers and peasants of socialist and revolutionary groups. Other soviets formed in towns and villages all across the country. All of the soviets worked to push a three-point program which called for an immediate peas, the transfer of land to peasants, and control of factories to workers. But the provisional government stood in conflict with the other smaller governments and the hardships of war hit the country. The provisional government was so busy fighting the war that they neglected the social problems it faced, losing much needed support (Farah, 580). The Bolsheviks in Russia were confused and divided about how to regard the Provisional Government, but most of them, including Stalin, were inclined to accept it for the time being on condition that it work for anShow MoreRelatedGeorge Orwell‚Äà ´s Animal Farm: The Rise of Communism1207 Words  | 5 PagesOrwell effectively conveys the rise of communism in Russia throughout the book Animal Farm by the accurate elucidation of the context in the Soviet Union from 1917-1945. O rwell’s attitude and political view towards Russia is evident in his representation of the farm animals on Communist Party leaders: Napoleon and Snowball, for example, are figurations of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, respectively. He expresses the anthropomorphic characters of farm animals, and major events in Animal Farm suchRead MoreEssay about The Bolshevik Revolution850 Words  | 4 PagesThe Bolshevik Revolution The Bolshevik Revolution started many changes in Russia. One of the most dramatic changes was the change of their form of government to communism. This was brought about by the murder of the Czar and his family by the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks were sure to include the whole family in the murder because of the fear that someday one might comeback and reclaim power. So on July 17, 1918 Czar Nicholas II and his family were murdered. Although there were rumors about hisRead MoreRussia And The Soviet Union1670 Words  | 7 PagesUnion, the West opposed the communist nation ideologically, the capitalist West feared communism. Communism was the reason that the Soviet Union was not compatible with the Western capitalist nations. 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I will break down the essay into three components from which I can individuallyRead MoreEssay on Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution877 Words  | 4 Pagestotalitarian regimes and particularly Stalins corrupt rule in Russia. In the first chapter Orwell gives his reasons for writing the story and what he hopes it will accomplish. It also gives reference to the farm and how it relates to the conflicts of the Russian revolution. The characters, settings, and the plot were written to describe the social upheaval during that period of time and also to prove that the good nature of true communism can be turned into something atrocious by an idea as sim pleRead MoreAnimal Farm and the Russian Revolution - Essay895 Words  | 4 Pagestotalitarian regimes and particularly Stalins corrupt rule in Russia. In the first chapter Orwell gives his reasons for writing the story and what he hopes it will accomplish. It also gives reference to the farm and how it relates to the conflicts of the Russian revolution. The characters, settings, and the plot were written to describe the social upheaval during that period of time and also to prove that the good nature of true communism can be turned into something atrocious by an idea as simpleRead MoreCapitalism And Communism : Communism Essay852 Words  | 4 PagesCapitalism Communism Communism The theory of communism was designed by German Philosopher Karl Marx. In 1848, he wrote a book of his ideals known as The Communist Manifesto, which later served as the inspiration for the formation of the Communist Party. Communism is also known as Marxism. Marx believed that an ideal society must be classless as well as stateless. His main idea and aim +was simple- to allow the poor a fighting chance and free the lower class from poverty. In order to extricateRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Lenin on Russia and the Russian People939 Words  | 4 Pages The Impact of Lenin on Russia and the Russian People Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (a.k.a Lenin) was born in 1870, into a middle class family. In the year 1887 when Lenin was 17 his elder brother Alexandra was executed for conspiring to assassinate the tsar. Lenin who was already well educated and fond of reading and writing was encouraged to enter politics to make changes and to somehow avenge his brothers death. The long term effects of this were that Lenin would laterRead MoreTsar Nicholas II in Russia Essay718 Words  | 3 PagesRussia was a rural country that once had regime. The majority of Russia was profoundly poor and the few that were rich were extremely wealthy. Their last ruler had been Tsar Nicholas II who was not a natural leader; in fact most people could describe him as a reluctant and feeble monarch. Russia suffered numerous revolutions and defeats in wars under the regime. As a result their country was damaged, economically and socially. Russia was poverty stricken particularly in the countryside where theRead MoreCommunism Under Stalin vs. Mao1088 Words  | 5 Pagesquite different. Each of these great leaders wished to transform his country into something new and powerful. Though their methods of rule were not the same, they each were extremely effective leaders and had enormous impacts on his own country. Russia, before Stalin, could absolutely be considered as being a weak and peasant country. China, before Mao Zedong, was attempting, but failing, to modernize efficiently under Nationalism. These two countries under Stalin and Mao Zedong advanced quickly
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Managerial Decision Making in the Aerospace Industry Case Study Free Essays
As in many other industries, the IT has changed the way of performing management process. For example, the cost management process went from hand-written and mainframe computers to sophisticated software applications that help reducing the workload, headcount, and expedite the job completion. Also, this helps improving the outcome quality and increase productivity. We will write a custom essay sample on Managerial Decision Making in the Aerospace Industry Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now The managerial accounting process in the aerospace industries follows a certain steps. The success of each of the steps depends heavily on the previous step, any break of inefficiency of one or more of the steps will collapse the whole process. Organizations have to chose between operating a commercial-of-the-shelf software of invest in designing a special software. The companies that chose to operate the commercial software will be able to use it in for operations such as cost estimating, analysis, and proposal pricing. While the special designed software allows more specific operations, it requires a substantial investment to create and operate. Accurate estimation is critical for the financial success and it allows the organization to successfully propose price decision, source of investment. The Department of Defense requires contractor to have an â€Å"acceptable†estimating system. There are different estimate methods such as round table, comparison, detailed, and parametric. A combination of the four methods could be used based of the needs and timing. The pricing proposal step is one of the complexes and demanding functions that requires an analysis for alternative program plans and schedule, prospective cash flow and return on investment, satisfy internal management views, and respond to the costumers’ expectations. The project cost has been depending on applications that were designed internally to help account manager to analyze the cost. After that, some companies created software that targeted the aerospace industry to help them with project scheduling and earned value. The continuous change of requirement made by DOD forces the aerospace industry to accommodate the new demands and there was more application software available. The constant change of requirements and imposing new regulations by the government and implementation of the advanced software applications have greatly improved the productivity of the cost analysis managers and reduce the workload on the contractors. This resulted in having more effective cost analysis staff that performs better in satisfying the requirements in less time and cost, and provides an more accurate information. How to cite Managerial Decision Making in the Aerospace Industry Case Study, Free Case study samples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Class Actions and Duplicative Litigation
Question: Discuss about the Class Actions and Duplicative Litigation. Answer: Introduction: Class action is one of such lawsuits in which a group of people, come together and commence claims against another person. Such a group is collectively represented by one of the members, who belong to the group (Greer, 2010). Characteristically, the plaintiff sues the defendants in a class action on behalf of a group, which also consists of people who are not present at the time of litigation. This is one of the key differentiating points in a normal litigation and a class action, as in the former, the parties are required to be physically present while the proceedings are continued (Anderson and Trask, 2012). The laws of each and every nation define the manner in which a class action has to be governed and dealt with. Though, generally, the group in class action belongs to such individuals who have been harmed in same way, by the same defendant (Eisenberg, 2016). So, instead of initialing different proceedings for a similar matter, the class action helps the individuals belonging to such a class action in a single lawsuit and this decides upon the injury claimed. Through the review of the relationship amongst an employer and an employee, a class action could be avoided, provided such a review is done in a periodical manner (McDermott Will Emery, 2007). The engineers can benefit from the class actions for avoiding the issues which have been claimed against them. Even if in a class action, one of the injured parties can be proved as wrong, the foundation of the entire class action can be shook. And so, the closure of such actions can become easier. Also, the damages claimed through such class actions can be reduced. Class actions also help in unifying of the damages to be paid, and hence avoiding duplicative litigations (Sherman, 2017). The issues which have been raised in the previous litigations against the company, or against some other organization, can be used as a guiding light for handling the current action, along with taking precautions so as to avoid future claims (Johnson, 2013). In Matthews v AusNet Electricity Services Pty Ltd Ors [2014] VSC 663, the class action was brought against SPI, i.e., Electricity Services Pty Ltd, previously known as the SPI Electricity Pty Ltd; against UAM, i.e., the maintenance contractor who has the responsibility of periodical inspection of the power line; and against the State parties, i.e., the different entities belonging to State of Victoria, as they had the duty of fighting of fires, managing forest land and policing of emergencies (Australasian Legal Information Institute, 2014). Here, a range of people can come together to initiate class actions against the parties highlighted above. The class action was initially brought up by Leo Keane; though, later on, the plaintiff was substituted by Carol Ann Matthews (Milovanovic, 2011). The class action made by Mathews was on behalf of the individuals summarized below: The individuals who claimed for a personal injury; The individuals who suffered an economic loss, which was not due to the damage caused to their properties or for the injury caused to such individuals; As per Part 3 of the Wrongs Act 1958, the individuals who died due to fire; and The individuals who suffered a loss or damage to their property (State Government of Victoria, 2014). In the quoted case, a settlement to the value of almost A $500 million was achieved; though, the liability was no admitted by any of the parties. This however, does not mean that there was no liability in the given case (Farnsworth, 2016). There is a strong base for attribution of liability for the damages resulting from the Black Saturday bushfires, and these are in the nature of negligence and negligent pure economic loss. Before applying these to the case here, the base of these laws have been highlighted. Negligence is one of the torts in Australia. Under negligence, an individual owes a duty of care towards another and there is a breach of this duty, which results in a harm to the other person (Kelly, Hammer and Hendy, 2014). In order to establish a case of negligence, the duty of care has to be clearly established (Turner, 2013). This has to be followed by a breach of duty of care and this breach has result in an injury or loss. These are the essential elements of negligence, without which a case of negligence cannot be made (Greene, 2013). The justification behind negligence is to affix an obligation of care on people doing some activity, which can pose as a threat resulting in an injury to another person (Trindade, Cane and Lunney, 2007). However, there has to be a direct causation between the injury caused and the negligence. The injury caused also has to be substantial in nature and cannot be remote. Lastly, there has to be a foreseeability of the risk, so that a breach of duty of care can be established (Statsky, 2011). Once negligence can be established, with the help of elements quoted above, the injured party can take action for claiming damages in form of monetary compensation, or for the non-pecuniary damages for the emotional distress (Latimer, 2012). The snail in the bottle case or Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] UKHL 100 is a prime example of negligence and its claims. In the mentioned case, Donoghue was the consumer, who drank the ginger beer from the bottle manufactured by Stevenson, and fell ill, as a result of the dead snail found in the bottle. The manufacturer held that the plaintiff should sue the caf owner, which was located in Paisley, Renfrewshire as he had served the bottle. But the court held that the manufacturer owed the duty of care to its consumers and hence, had to compensate Donoghue for her loss, resulting from negligence (Harvey and Marston, 2009). A similar view was taken in Grant v The Australian Knitting Mills [1935] UKPC 2, where the manufacturer had to compensate Grant for the resulting dermatitis due to negligence of the defendant in manufacturing of the woolen underpants (Australasian Legal Information Institute, 2014). In this case study, the negligence was applied through the statutory legislation of the Wrongs Act 1958. Section 48 of this act covers the basic principles associated with negligence. This section mandates that the risk has to be predictable or foreseeable and cannot be inconsequential. Along with this, a sensible person, in similar situation, would have taken a precaution against the risk of harm. As per section 49 of this act, the burden of taking precautions is ascertained through the fact of avoidance of the risk of harm, in addition to the succeeding acts which could have been undertaken to mitigate such risk of harm (Australasian Legal Information Institute, 2014). For this case, the plaintiff had to establish the negligence of SPI, under section 51(1), was the reason for the occurrence of harm. Moreover, the burden of establishing this was placed over the plaintiff under section 52, based on the balance of probabilities, in addition to the pertinent facts as regards to the issue of causation (Australasian Legal Information Institute, 2014). It had been successfully shown for SPI that there was a presence of real risk of failure related to scheduled inspection. For SPI, the negligence was claimed to be regarding the nuisance in legal sense, the asset management, the oil-operated circuit re-closer, the targeted damper, and the management of electricity. In the view of Osborn J, SPI had to have known regarding the potential risks (State Government of Victoria, 2014). Apart from SPI, there is also a segment of liability which falls over UAM as the maintenance contractor. This related to his failure in taking the care and skill while carrying out the pre-fire scheduled inspection in Februarys 2008. So, for SPI and UAM, the liability arises from negligence (State Government of Victoria, 2014). The previous part highlighted how the legal liability of negligence was fixed over SPI and UAM due to the negligence which resulted in loss for the individuals raising the class action. Though, there are some limitations which are applicable for the recovery of damages. These limitations are limited to the claims raised purely for economic loss due to negligence. Negligent pure economic loss relates to the loss which is to be borne by the individuals, not resulting from a physical injury but from the economic loss (Harp, 2009). The class action initiated against SPI and others by the individuals, who suffered an economic loss, would be restricted through the applicability of this principle. Where the case of negligent pure economic loss is established, the general rule states that a no recovery rule has to be applied (Hunag, 2011). The base of this rule was born through the case of Rylands v Fletcher (1868) LR 3 HL 330, [1868] UKHL 1. In this, the mill was owned by the defendant and he constructed a reservoir on his land. This reservoir was put over a mine which was abandoned. The water of this reservoir was filtered through this very abandoned mine. Later on, this water spread over the mine of plaintiff, which was a working mine. And this resulted in far-reaching damages to the working mine. The court in this held that the claim for recovery of pure economic loss could not be held. Furthermore, the defendant could only be held liable for using the land in a manner in which it was not allowed (Swarb, 2015a). Another case where this principle was established was the case of Weller v Foot and Mouth Disease Research Institute [1966] 1 QB 56. In this case, a virus escaped from the premises of the defendant and infected the cattle of the plaintiff. Due to these reasons, the cattle were rendered unsellable. The plaintiff brought a case against the defendant for the loss of profit, highlighted that the cattle would have been fine, had the virus not leaked. Though, the claims of plaintiff failed, owing to pure economic loss, which is not recoverable (Swarb, 2015b). Hence, on the basis of these two cases, the people in the class action, who have lost their housing or source of income, could be restricted from claiming damages, due to those being pure economic losses. The Black Saturday bushfires case can be taken as a leading example for dealing with the claims which arise due to negligence against any organization. Furthermore, for future claims also, this case provides guidance for limiting the exposure for claims being raised. This can be done by undertaking the care in points where SPI and other failed, so as to avoid the occurrence of fire. For instance, had the UAM undertaken the inspection work properly, the propensity of the fire could have been decreased. The organizations, for avoiding claims of negligence being raised, should pay attention to the precedents. Precedents are the court orders, or the verdict of case which have been decided in the court of law, for some other case (Legal Information Institute, 2017). Precedents, or the prior decisions, are applicable on such courts which are subordinate in hierarchy to the court, which has given the particular derision (Duxbury, 2008). In addition to the precedents, the established case laws are also to be taken care of, while undertaking the actions required for avoiding a claim of negligence being raised. Moreover, once a case of negligence has been used, such cases can be relied upon, for established their side of the story, as the precedent would support their side. To show how a case can be used in a particular case, some of the cases related to the case of Mathews, have been elaborated below. In the case of Johnson Tiles Pty Ltd v Esso Australia Pty Ltd [2003] VSC 27, an explosion took place as a result of the carelessness of the defendant in maintenance of the plant. The plaintiff initiated a case against Esso, the defendant in the Supreme Court of Victoria. Most of the claims raised in this particular case were related to the pure economic loss. While giving their judgment, the court held that this particular case was similar to that of Donoghue v Stevenson, in addition to that of Grant v Australian Knitting Mills. The similarity was drawn for the duty of care which Esso owed to its customers, for avoiding the stopping of the gas, which ultimately led to the property damage. However, the statutory framework could not put a duty on Esso for such economic loss and so, Gillard J held that a duty for economic loss was not owed by Esso (Sweeney, 2004). In the case of Woolcock Street Investments v CDG Pty Ltd [2004] HCA 16, the question raised in front of the High Court was about the accountability of the architect or builder of any commercial building to a person who purchases the building subsequently, for the faults in the construction or designing of a particular building, resulting in economic loss. The decision given by the High Court in this case was quite significant, especially for all the architects and builders, as they denied their liability in such cases (Allens, 2004). Hence, for the future, this case can be used for establishing that the builder or architects did not have the liability for the negligence claims. If there are cases which support a particular stance, there are those which can be used to oppose the same. An example of this is the case of Burnie Port Authority v General Jones Pty Ltd (1994) 179 CLR 520. Here Burnie was the defendant and General Jones was the plaintiff. The property of the plaintiff was kept at the building owned by the defendant. While carrying on the construction work, by the independent contractors hired by Burnie, the building was burnt down in its entirety and the property of Burnie was destroyed. While giving the decision of this case, the High Court decided that the verdict of Rylands v Fletcher had to be discontinued. As a result of this, General Jones could successfully claim the damages from Burnie for the loss caused (Sappideen at al. 2009). This shows that for the case of Matthews, the case of Burnie can be used for claiming the economic loss. And so, the individuals under the class action, who claim for economic loss due to damage of house or loss of source of income, could be held successful in their claims. This affirms the manner in which the precedents and the established case laws can be used for supporting or opposing a particular claim raised in case of negligence. So, the organizations have to use these to their benefit, and be ready to defend themselves against the cases, which can be used against their claims. In the given case study, the settlement amount was the only thing decided and the particular faults were never fixed. However, if the fault had to be fixed, the above highlighted case laws could be used as a weapon or shield, depending upon the side of the party. When such a situation arises, where both parties have strong case against the each other, the judgment of the established case which is most similar to the problem case is adopted. So, for Matthews, the most appropriate case would be that of Johnson Tiles Pty Ltd v Esso Australia Pty Ltd. This is because of the similarity in the facts of the case. And using the verdict of this case, SPI and others could avoid the claims of negligence, in form of pure economic loss. Though, they would still remain liable for the physical loss. Current Standards The Engineers Australia Code of Ethics is the code which is applicable over the engineers in Australia and it is such a code, which is related to their field of knowledge and experience. This code has been broadly divided into four key areas as per which, the engineers are required to exercise leadership, promote sustainability, demonstrate integrity, and practice competently. By adhering to this code in a strict manner, the chances of a claim being raised for negligence can be minimized. The reason behind this stems from the requirements of this code. Under this code, the engineers have to identify the stakeholders, their needs and requirements, and that of the upcoming generations. They have to act based on properly informed conscience, be honest and trustworthy and also have to respect the others dignity while doing their work. They are also required to maintain professional competency by attending regular sessions (Engineers Australia, 2015). By ensuring that their work is done in a proper manner, a slip up or negligent act could be avoided altogether and so, the loss could be easily eradicated. Though, in case this code is not followed to the spirit and letter, a case of negligence could easily be raised. References Allens. (2004) Litigation Dispute Resolution. [Online] Allens. Available from: [Accessed on: 03/04/17] Anderson, B., and Trask, A. (2012) The Class Action Playbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Australasian Legal Information Institute. (2014) Matthews v AusNet Electricity Services Pty Ltd Ors [2014] VSC 663 (23 December 2014). [Online] Australasian Legal Information Institute. Available from: [Accessed on: 03/04/17] Duxbury, N. (2008) The Nature and Authority of Precedent. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Eisenberg, J.N. (2016) Litigating Securities Class Actions. New York: LexisNexis. Engineers Australia. (2015) The Ethical Engineer. [Online] Engineers Australia. Available from: [Accessed on: 03/04/17] Farnsworth, S. (2016) Black Saturday bushfires: Victims to get compensation payouts before Christmas. [Online] ABC News. Available from: [Accessed on: 03/04/17] Greene, B. (2013) Course Notes: Tort Law. Oxon: Routledge. Greer, M.H. (2010) A Practitioner's Guide to Class Actions. Illinois, United States: American Bar Association. Harp, V.H. (2009) Modern Tort Law. 7th ed. Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish. Harvey, B., and Marston, J. (2009) Cases and Commentary on Tort. 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Huang, Y. (2011) Recoverability of Pure Economic Loss Arising from Ship-source Oil Pollution. Berlin: Lit Verlag. Johnson, E. (2013) To Establish Justice for All: The Past and Future of Civil Legal Aid in the United States [3 volumes]: The Past and Future of Civil Legal Aid in the United States. California: ABC-CLIO. Kelly, D., Hammer, R., and Hendy, J. (2014) Business Law. 2nd ed. Oxon: Routledge. Latimer, P. (2012) Australian Business Law 2012. 31st ed. Sydney, NSW: CCH Australia Limited. Legal Information Institute. (2017) Precedent. [Online] Legal Information Institute. Available from: [Accessed on: 03/04/17] McDermott Will Emery. (2007) Defending Against Class and Collective Employee Actions. [Online] McDermott Will Emery. Available from: [Accessed on: 03/04/17]
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
The Meaning of Work free essay sample
The New Meaning of Work When one thinks of work, one often thinks of a job, but work is far more than a job. Although work certainly provides for basic subsistence needs and decent living conditions, this is not its only function. Work is, above all, an activity through which an individual fits into the world, creates new relations, uses his talents, learns and grows develops his identity and a sense of belonging. Many people enjoy their work and take a great deal of pleasure from it.Many workplaces are pleasant places to be. Many companies have learned that it is much easier to retain employees who like what they do and have fun with their job. Organic structures such as teams and networks are usually much more engaging than traditional, mechanistic structures. Over the past 50 years job satisfaction has increased significantly and quality of work life has improved. The nature of work has changed such as work settings and organizational structures which makes more people satisfied with their jobs. We will write a custom essay sample on The Meaning of Work or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A psychological contract is unwritten expectations that represents the mutual beliefs, perceptions, and informal obligations between an employer and an employee. The major principle that drives any psychological contract is fairness. For example, when one employee earns more than the another. The way people feel at work has an impact on how they treat customers, their relationships with fellow employees and how productive they are at their job. Unhappy employees are not as productive or as efficient as happy employees.Management can use many ways to ensure job satisfaction for their employees. Most companies have improved their work settings. Flexible work time programs, whereby an employee can set their own work schedule, this is a positive step toward creating a supportive work setting. A positive work setting also makes a working day more comfortable for employees. Accommodations such as furniture, equipment, supplies, an eating area, or a relaxation centre can increase job satisfaction. Most enlightened businesses focus on constantly improving the quality of work life. Companies that create team and networking structures provide a variety of upper management contacts, there is no one boss to deal with. In such structures, where supervisors work closely together, bad managers are noticed quickly then removed. This recent emphasis on project teams has also created more supportive work affiliations. Whereas functional departments and divisions that require employees to work alone in cubicles are often impersonal, project teams that work together in a central space are constantly interacting and try to create cohesion and co-operation among their members.When self managed teams are created, people can become more motivated and enthusiastic, develop new ideas to improve group performance, and assume greater responsibility in putting these plans into action. Boredom is reduced and creativity encouraged. it is important for job enrichment to occur, it provides challenging opportunities and engages the worker. Employees feel that they are accomplishing something significant and that they are making a contribution to the firm. They can make decisions and take responsibility for their work.It creates a sense that they belong and are valued for their contributions. Work has evolved a over the decades, due to the progress of sciences and technologies, major transformations happened in the organizational structure and culture, with their consequences on the organization of work. Compared to what workplace was 50 years ago, in todays world, the structure, content and process of work have changed. The most recent century has seen rapid change occur more frequently than ever before, due to technological developments.These developments obviously have the aim of making lives better, simultaneously bringing better producing environments to the workplace. Many companies use modern technologies to develop their productive capacity. This means that technological advance improves the quality and quantity of products, affecting staff communication within organisations. Fifty years ago, factory jobs were replaced by work in the service sector. Now, the information revolution has turned the ideal employee into a person with skills such as the ability to understand, synthesize and analyse information.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Some of the Worst Slang Terms From 2010
Some of the Worst Slang Terms From 2010 New slang words pervade language in popular culture every year, often times to much chagrin by literary figures and average joes alike. For as long as the written language has existed, colloquial errors and usages have appeared and been met by harsh criticism before eventually being adapted into the living, spoken English vernacular. People have various reasons for disliking (or downright loathing) certain words. It may be a buzzword that has worn out its welcome (such as paradigm or proactive). Or an overly familiar redundancy (like added bonus and future plans), mispronunciation (nuc-u-lar for nuclear), or usage error (between you and I). Some of us have zero tolerance for elision (definally for definitely, malapropisms (mitigate for militate), minced oaths (like frak), blends (like bromance) or verbing (to effort or Incent). Sometimes the hostility gets personal - as with expressions favored by an ex-spouse like couch potato or a dimwitted boss who spouts buzzwords like bottom line. These verbal peeves, known as logomisia, become the center of conversations about language in any given year. In 2010 alone, over 200 phrases came to be used in the common vernacular of United States culture. However, peeves such as these have existed as long as language has been shared between people. It was really only with the advent of the Internet that these slang words began to rapidly populate common discourse. Language Peeves of Famous People Throughout History English is a living, evolving language, so its only natural that it continues to expand every year. However, much of this expansion was and continues to be met by critical dissent. In fact, many of our modern common expressions were once the source of fierce debate by linguists and literary scholars. Sometimes, though, famous people simply disliked a word, usage or phrase. F or instance, Jonathan Swift hated the word bowels, and Gloria Swanson, star of the movie Sunset Boulevard, hated the word glamor while the character she played, Norma Desmond, hated comeback. Chicago newspaper columnist Mike Royko hated the word relationship wherein he claimed it was the kind of sterile word used by lawyers and sociologists and other menaces. Even the very arts some people worked in had words the artists disliked. Even though she wrote both, Carson McCullers hated the words prose and poetry. British novelist V.S. Naipaul hates the word novel, documentary filmmaker Irving Saraf hates documentary, and news anchor Katie Couric describes the word panties as a cheesy word for underpants. Of course, many of us claim to hate the word hate itself, too. Confusing, right? Popular Slang Words and Phrases in 2010 Lets agree to disagree, popular slang is sometimes all the sudden absolutely†overwhelming in its misuse or misappropriation of commonly understood words. From using â€Å"access†as a verb to changing the name of illegal immigrants to â€Å"illegal aliens,†the slang of 2010 certainly did â€Å"aim high†at changing the face of modern discourse. Even â€Å"ASAP†and â€Å"Obamacare†entered the spoken vernacular of the â€Å"American consumer†in 2010. According to the logic of 2010, on your next â€Å"birfday†all you need to do is â€Å"chillax†and eat some â€Å"cold slaw†(instead of coleslaw - â€Å"brain fart!†). The next time someone asks â€Å"and you are?†when they’re trying to â€Å"conversate†with you, the blame will rest entirely on 2010 vernacular and not the person’s poor manners. They may even â€Å"axe†you a question, but they meant â€Å"no offense.†Just don’t take â€Å"are you serious?†seriously or you’ll get â€Å"gobsmacked†by some â€Å"iconic†irony. Just tell them, â€Å"I’m good†or their next big idea is â€Å"to die for†and you’ll be right on your way to the â€Å"basic fundamentals†of a good conversation. It â€Å"might could even†evolve into a â€Å"bromance!†Don’t forget to â€Å"friend†(as a verb) them on Facebook after if you really â€Å"heart†them. â€Å"Anyways,†â€Å"just so you know,†this entire section was written with slang from 2010 in quotes. â€Å"Awesome possum!†We’re done here.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Measures of Working Capital Management Efficiency and Their Essay
Measures of Working Capital Management Efficiency and Their Relationship to Corporate Profitability - Essay Example Smith (1980) first signaled the importance of the trade-offs between the dual goals of working capital management, i.e., liquidity and profitability. In other words, decisions that tend to maximize profitability tend not to maximize the chances of adequate liquidity. Conversely, focusing almost entirely on liquidity will tend to reduce the potential profitability of the company. The most conventional measures of corporate liquidity are the current ratio and the quick ratio. Because of the static nature, their adequacy in examining a firm's efficiency in managing its working capital has been questioned by many authors (see, for example, Emery, 1984; and Kamath, 1989). Liquidity for the on-going firm is not really dependent on the liquidation value of its assets but rather on the operating cash flow generated by those assets. Gitman (1974) introduced the cash cycle concept as a crucial element in working capital management. The total cash cycle is defined as the number of days from the time the firm pays for its purchases of the most basic form of inventory to the time the firm collects for the sale of its finished product. Richards and Laughlin (1980) operationalized the cash cycle concept by reflecting the net time interval between cash expenditures on purchases and the ultimate recovery of cash receipts from product sales. The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) i s an additive measure of the number of days funds are committed to inventories and receivables less the number of days payments are deferred to suppliers. Gentry, Vaidyanathan, and Lee (1990) developed a modified version of the CCC called the Weighted Cash Conversion Cycle (WCCC), which scales the timing by the amount of funds in each step of the cycle. The weights are calculated by dividing the amount of cash tied up in each component by the final value of the component. Therefore, the WCCC includes both the number of days and the amount of funds that are tied up at each stage of the cash cycle. The Net Trade Cycle Although the WCCC provides a better appreciation of the complexities of the cash cycle, in this study, we use the Net Trade Cycle (NTC). First, the break-up of inventories into its three main components, i.e., raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods, is not readily available for the outside investigator; consequently we cannot calculate the WCCC. Second, the CCC is an additive concept, but unfortunately the denominators for the three components (i.e., number of days inventories, accounts receivable, and accounts payable) are all different, making addition not really useful. In contrast, the NTC is basically equal to the CCC whereby all three components are expressed as a percentage of sales. The NTC actually indicates the number of "days sales" the company has to finance its working capital under ceteris paribus conditions. This instrument provides an easy estimate for additional financing needs with regard to working capital expressed as a function of the projected sales growth. For example, assuming that Wal-Mart's sales would again grow with 13% during 1996 as they did over 1995, and assuming the same 40 days NTC, this would imply a $1.19 billion financing need just for
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
How Far Should Pornography Be Regulated in the 21st Century Essay - 1
How Far Should Pornography Be Regulated in the 21st Century - Essay Example Fà ¾r exà °mple, Mà °rshà °ll à °nd Bà °rbà °ree (1984) stà °ted thà °t "there hà °ve been drà °mà °tic increà °ses in the à °mà ¾unt à ¾f vià ¾lent sex in bà ¾th sà ¾ft cà ¾re . . . à °nd hà °rd cà ¾re pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy. . . à °và °ilà °ble in Western sà ¾cieties". Bà °rry (1979) stà °ted, "The mà ¾st prevà °lent theme in pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy is à ¾ne à ¾f utter cà ¾ntempt fà ¾r wà ¾men . . . (whà ¾) à °re rà °ped, ejà °culà °ted à ¾n, urinà °ted à ¾n, à °nà °lly penetrà °ted, beà °ten, à °nd, with the à °dvent à ¾f snuff films, murdered in à °n à ¾rgy à ¾f pleà °sure". Russell à °nd Lederer (1980) à °lleged thà °t  «pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy usuà °lly cà ¾mbines sà ¾me sà ¾rt à ¾f vià ¾lence with sex ». Dwà ¾rkin (1981) in describing pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy stà °ted, "reà °l wà ¾men à °re tied up, stretched, hà °nged, fucked, gà °ng-bà °nged, whipped, beà °ten, à °nd begging fà ¾r mà ¾re". Similà °rly, Grif fin (1981) described pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy à °s "usuà °lly à ° wà ¾mà °n, sà ¾metimes à ° mà °n, à ¾ften à ° child, is à °bducted by fà ¾rce, verbà °lly à °bused, beà °ten, bà ¾und hà °nd à °nd fà ¾Ã ¾t à °nd gà °gged, à ¾ften tà ¾rtured, à ¾ften hung, his à ¾r her bà ¾dy suspended, wà ¾unded, à °nd then murdered". à °ll these clà °ims à °s fà ¾r pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy à °nd its negà °tive impà °ct à ¾n sà ¾ciety hà °s evà ¾ked cà ¾ntrà ¾versià °l à °pprà ¾Ã °ch tà ¾ the regulà °tià ¾n à ¾f pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy à °nd subsequent vià ¾lence in 21st century. Frà ¾m à ¾ne side the demà ¾crà °tic system is believed tà ¾ hà °ve freedà ¾m in mà °ss medià ° à °nd thus expà °nd different kinds à ¾f infà ¾rmà °tià ¾n, frà ¾m à °nà ¾ther side the à ¾bscentity by which the wà ¾rld hà °s been filled with respect tà ¾ pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy mà °kes it impà ¾rtà °nt tà ¾ regulà °te à °nd cà ¾ntrà ¾l the infà ¾rmà °tià ¾n à °và °ilà °ble fà ¾r the peà ¾ple à ¾f different à °ges. The pà ¾rnà ¾grà °phy cà ¾ntrà ¾versy is à ° cà ¾mplex à ¾ne, spà °nning persà ¾nà °l, technicà °l à °nd public à °rgument (see Gà ¾Ã ¾dnight) à °s it invà ¾kes sà ¾cià °l, mà ¾rà °l, legà °l, à °nd ethicà °l clà °ims. It à °lsà ¾ rà °ises interesting theà ¾reticà °l questià ¾nsÂ à °bà ¾ut the wà °y persà ¾nà °l testimà ¾ny à ¾perà °tes in public à °rgument. Prià ¾r tà ¾ à °ll à ¾f these cà ¾nsiderà °tià ¾ns, hà ¾wever, is hà ¾w the cà ¾ntrà ¾versy is distinguished by the primà °ry rà ¾le plà °yed by definitià ¾nà °l à °rgument.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID): Effects
Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID): Effects Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are inhibitors of prostaglandin, they have several key therapeutic effects, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (reduces fevers) and analgesic. NSAIDs prevent the synthesis of prostaglandins; theses are made from the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX) which supports inflammation, pain and fever, there are two cyclo-oxgenase COX-1 and COX-2. NSAIDs block the enzyme COX thus reducing the amount of prostaglandins and therefore reducing inflammation, pain and fevers. The main mechanism of action of NSAIDs is the inhibition of enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX). COX converts the fatty acid arachidonic acid into endoperoxide, prostaglandins and thromoxanes. The prostanoids have many physiological functions such as protecting the gastrointestinal tract, renal, homeostasis responses, platelet aggregation, contraction of uterine smooth muscle etc. There are two isoforms of COX, COX-1 and COX-2. COX-1 produces prostaglandin that support platelets and protect the stomach therefore has the most adverse side effects. COX-2 is inducible and found is inflammatory conditions and some types of carcinoma. Some drugs only inhibit COX-2 which reduces adverse effects that are associated with COX-1, such as the irritation of the stomach lining. Prostaglandins have numerous tasks to play as mediators of inflammation. They enhance the action of histamine and other natural compounds causing vasodilatation and increasing vascular permeability to fluids. These two factors re sult in the symptoms of inflammation. As well prostaglandins they relay pain messages to the brain. This journal article supports my essay on NSAIDs [i] Salicylic acid and salicylates, obtained from natural sources, have long been used as medicaments. Salicylic acid was chemically synthesized in 1860 and was used as an antiseptic, an antipyretic, and an antirheumatic. Twenty-five years ago, it was proposed that the mechanism of action of NSAIDs was through their inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis. Since then, there has been general acceptance of the concept that these drugs work by inhibition of the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase (COX), which we now know to have at least two distinct isoforms: the constitutive isoform, COX-1, and the inducible isoform, COX-2. COX-1 has clear physiologic functions. Its activation leads, for instance, to the production of prostacyclin, which when released by the endothelium is antithrombogenic and when released by the gastric mucosa is cytoprotective. COX-2, discovered 6 years ago, is induced by inflammatory stimuli and cytokines in migratory and other cells. It is therefore attractive to suggest that the anti-inflammatory actions of NSAIDs are due to inhibition of COX-2, whereas the unwanted side-effects, such as irritation of the stomach lining, are due to inhibition of COX-1. Drugs that have the highest COX-2 activity and a more favourable COX-2: COX-1 activity ratio will have a potent anti-inflammatory activity with fewer side-effects than drugs with a less favourable COX-2: COX-1 activity ratio. The identification of selective inhibitors of COX-2 will therefore lead to advances in therapy. NSAIDs are highly lipophilic substances, adsorption occurs through the gastrointestinal tract, as NSAIDs are weak acids they are less ionised in the gastric juices and therefore are absorbed by the mechanism of ionic or diffusion tapping. Most NSAIDs are given as oral tablets or capsules; others are given by injection to avoid gastric irritation. The main use of anti-inflammatory drugs is in the treatment of pain resulting from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory condition of connective tissue especially within the joint capsule; it may be described as an autoimmune disease, whereby the bodys own immune system starts to destroy the synovial membrane. This may lead a complete destruction of the joint. Osteoarthritis is due to a mechanical damage to the joint which leads to degeneration of the articular cartilage the hip joint is commonly affected. Prostaglandins are found in the hypothalamus are involved in raising the temperature of the body during infection, therefore NSAIDs are useful in inhibiting prostaglandins and reducing body temperature, this is called antipyretic . Most prostaglandin inhibitors are acidic drugs that can directly irritate the gastric mucosa. Prostaglandins in the stomach lead to a decrease in gastric secretions; therefore, inhibiting the synthesis of prosta glandins leads to an increase in sections which may lead to ulcers. Aspirin is an irreversible inhibitor of COX-1 but has adverse side an effect, most side effects of NSAIDs is related to their action on the gastrointestinal tract. In the stomach prostaglandins are normally involved in the protection of the gastric mucosa (lining of the stomach) against the corrosive actions of the gastric acid; prevention of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs therefore remove this protection and make the stomach open to irritation and ulceration. NSAIDs themselves are irritant chemicals which have a direct effect on the gastric mucosa. Other Problems of NSAIDs such as aspirin have an effect the kidneys, because the role of prostaglandins in the maintenance of blood flow to the kidneys, NSAIDs often cause kidney damage and disorders of salt and fluid balance. This article shows the adverse effects and mechanism of NSAIDs on the gastrointestinal tract. Mechanisms of gastrointestinal (GI) injury NSAIDs injure the gut by causing topical injury to the mucosa and systemic effects associated with mucosal prostaglandin depletion derived from COX-1. The systemic effects of NSAIDs appear to have the predominant role. Because of that the use of enteric-coated aspirin preparations and parenteral or rectal administration of NSAIDs in order to prevent topical mucosal injury has failed to prevent the development of ulcers. Topical injury The acidic properties of most NSAIDs (included ASA) initiate mucosal damage. These weak acids remain in their non ionised lipophilic form in the highly acidic gastric environment. These conditions favour migration into surface epithelial cell, where NSAIDs are dissociated into the ionised form that traps hydrogen ions, inducing mucosal injury. Systemic effects NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX), a key in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins. There are two isoforms, COX 1 and COX 2. Traditional NSAIDs (tNSAIDs) and ASA inhibit both isoforms. Selective NSAIDs (COXIBs) spare COX 1 and primarily inhibit COX 2. COX 1 isoform is expressed in most tissues, producing prostaglandins that play an important protective role in the gut by stimulating the synthesis and secretion of mucus and bicarbonate, increasing mucosal blood flow and promoting epithelial proliferation. When NSAIDs inhibit this enzyme create a gastric environment that is more susceptible to topical attack by endogenous and exogenous factors. Besides, the inhibition of the COX 1 blocks platelet production of thromboxane, which increases bleeding when an active GI bleeding site is present .On the other hand, COX2 isoform is induced inmost tissues in response to inflammatory stimuli. Prostaglandins derived from COX-2 can be generated at the ulcer margin and appear to play an important ro le in ulcer healing through triggering the cell proliferation, promotion of angiogenesis and restoration of mucosal integrity .This isoform is the primary target for anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore selective COX-2 NSAIDs while having little to no effect on COX-1 should result in effective pain relief with reduced adverse GI effects. This COX2 hypothesis has been challenged by data from animal studies. Wallace et al reported that inhibition of both COX-1 and COX-2 is required for NSAID-induced gastric injury in the rat. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was first isolated in 1829 by Leroux from willow bark. It can cause irreversible inactivation of cyclo-oxygenase, acting on both COX-1 and COX-2. Aspirin has many pharmacologic effects for example it has antipyretic action it reduces fevers and is rapidly effective in febrile patients, yet has little effect on normal body temperature. It has many effects on the body; prostaglandin PGE2 is produced in the brain and causes the temperature regulatory centre in the hypothalamus to raise the body temperature, Aspirin inhibits PGE2 production so body temperature falls. Aspirin also has anti-inflammatory action, during inflammation, prostaglandin and other arachidonic acid are produced and contribute to the pain, swelling and tissue damage, and aspirin inhibits the production of arachidonic acid thus reducing inflammation. It is a very good anti-inflammatory effects it helps in condition for example the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. The ability of aspirin to control pain occurs both through a peripheral and central action when aspirin inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins in inflamed tissue, and it prevents the prostaglandin from sensitising the nociceptors, by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis in the brain. Aspirin is also thought to also modify transmissions in the pain conducting pathways. Aspirin has other analgesic effects which is usually effective for low- to moderate-intensity pain. Integument pain is relieved better than the pain from hollow visceral areas. Relief of pain occurs through both peripheral and central mechanisms. In the peripherally, it inhibits the synthesis of PGs in inflamed tissues, thus preventing the sensitisation of pain receptors to both mechanical and chemical stimuli. Also in the centrally, the analgesic site exists in close proximity to the antipyretic region in the hypothalamus. Its analgesia action is not associated with mental alterations, such as hypnosis or changes in se nsation other than pain. EFFECTS OF ASPIRIN ON PROSTAGLANDIN SYNTHESIS Both COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes are inhibited by aspirin, but not by opioids, acetaminophen, or tramadol. The active site of both enzymes appears to be at the end of a long, tubular channel in the molecule. Aspirin block arachidonates entrance to this channel (as seen in picture below). Aspirin does this by irreversibly acetylating a specific serine molecule (serine 530 for COX-1 and serine 516 for COX-2) When blocked by aspirin, COX-1 becomes completely inactive. COX-2, on the other hand, converts arachidonate to 15-R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-R-HETE). Neither enzyme is capable of producing prostaglandin H2, the necessary precursor of prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis. Aspirin causes damage to the gastric mucosa partly by inhibiting the formulation of prostaglandins that protect stomach wall from gastric acids. Aspirin in addition has Gastrointestinal effects such as It can cause epigastric distress, nausea, and vomiting by irritating the gastric mucosal lining and stimulating the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the CNS. It may cause a dose-related gastric ulceration, bleeding, and erosive gastritis because of inhibiting the formation of PGE2, which inhibits gastric acid secretion and has a cytoprotective effect. Salicylates-induced gastric bleeding is painless and may lead to an iron deficiency anemia. Aspirin is used in restricted situation for the symptomatic relief of fever. Because of an increased incidence of Reyes syndrome in children who previously were given aspirin for the relief of viral fevers, it is now recommended that a child with any fever be given paracetamol instead, if medication is required. It is useful as analgesics for certain categories of pain, such as headache, arthritis, and dysmenorrhea. It remains the standard, first-line drug in the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis, and can provide relief of symptoms in acute rheumatic fever. Some clinicians recommend small daily doses of aspirin for prophylaxis of thromboembolism, stroke, or myocardial infarction because of its antiplatelet activity. Some adverse effects of aspirin when uses in large repeated dosages are headache, mental confusion, lassitude, and drowsiness, tinnitus and difficulty in hearing, hyperthermia, sweating, thirst, hyperventilation, vomiting, and diarrhea. Contraindications Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants should be avoided in all patients with liver disease because of the risk of altering platelet function, causing gastric ulceration and bleeding. NSAIDs have also been implicated in precipitating renal dysfunction and vericeal bleeding in patients with end-stage liver disease. Although COX-2 inhibitors may cause a lower incidence of bleeding complication, currently they are avoided in patients with liver disease as their still pose a risk. Paracetamol is an analgesic agent. It does not have ant-inflammatory or anti-platelet activities, but it is a useful analgesic in febrile illnesses such as influenza. As paracetamol has no anti-inflammatory properties it does not inhibit prostaglandin thus have no affect on the gastric mucosa. As an analgesic, paracetamol is best taken on an empty stomach for fast action, as it gets absorbed faster. As it is not associated with Reyess syndrome, it is the preferred analgesic in the symptomatic treatment of children with viral infections. The mechanism of action of paracetamol is now thought to be via COX-3 inhibition. This enzyme is present in the brain and spinal cord and is selectively inhibited by paracetamol. Paracetamol has no action on COX-1 and COX-2, thus does not have any gastric side effects. The central action of paracetamol explains it antipyretic effects and its lack of other peripheral adverse effects associated with NSAIDs. Paracetamol has few adverse side effects as it is tolerated by the stomach because inhibition of prostaglandin in the periphery is weak; allergic reactions and skin rash sometimes occur. Heavy, long term daily use may predispose chronic renal disease.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Computers :: essays research papers
Computers Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd. Today, with home computers and modems becoming faster and cheaper, the home front is on the break of a new frontier of on line information and data processing. The Internet, the ARPANET (Advanced Research Programs Agency Network) spinoff is a channel of uninterrupted information interchange. It allows people to connect to large computer databases that can store valuable information on goods and services. The Internet is quickly becoming a tool for vast data interchange for more than twenty million Americans. New tools are allowing Internet presence an easier task. As did the gold miners set out to California on carriages to stake their claim in the gold rush, business and entrepreneurs are rushing to stake their claim on the information superhighway through Gopher sites, World-Wide Web sites, and electronic mailing lists. This article explains how businesses and entrepreneurs are setting up information services on the Internet that allows users to browse through picture catalogues, specification lists, and up to the minute reports. Ever since Sears Roebuck created the first pictorial catalogue, the idea has fascinated US that merchandises could be selected and ordered in our leisure time. Like any cataloging system, references make it easy to find what user seeks. Since its inception, The Internet has been refining its search tools. Being able to find products through many catalogues is what make the Internet shine in information retrieval. This helps the consumer find merchandise that they might other wise probably cannot find. The World Wide Web allows users to find information on goods and services, pictures of products, samples of music (Used by record Companies), short videos showing the product or service, and samples of programs. Although a consumer cannot order directly from the Web site, the business will often give a Voice telephone number or an order form that costumer can print out and send out through the mail. Although web sites have the magazine like appeal, storing large amounts of textual data is often difficult. Gopher (like go-for) is set up like a filing cabinet to allow the user more flexibility in retrieval. Gopher is similar to the white/yellow pages in the way information is retrieved word for word. They are also a lot cheaper and easier to set up which allows small business an easy way to set up shop. Consumers can find reviews, tech-info, and other bits and pieces of information. Each person who uses the Internet has an identification that sets them apart from everyone else. Often called handles (from the old short wave radio days). Electronic mail addresses allow information exchange from user to user.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Global Warming Challenge Essay
One of the greatest challenges earth is facing is Global Warming. The global warming hypothesis orginated in 1896 when Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, developed the theory that carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels would cause global temperatures to rise by trapping excess heat in the earth’s atmosphere. The term â€Å"Global Warming†signifies the temperature of the earth’s neon- surface air. The change in climatic conditions is one of the impacts of global warming. It is directly impacting on rising sea levels and the melting of ice. It is a threat to life on earth. The effects of global warming have been increasing significantly for the past decades. Climate change, devastation of the ecosystem, water contamination, melting ice over Arctic and Antarctic regions, negative impacts in the agricultural sector are just the problems caused by global warming. The reason behind this is human activities that lead to release of greenhouse gases. The concentration of greenhouse gases has significantly increased since 20th century. Some Scientists believe that there is an increase of 0.5 Celsius in earth’s temperature since 1900 and will continue to increase. The year 1990 was said to be the hottest year in the last century. We Human Beings have created an imbalance between life and nature that has led to flood, cyclones, landslides, tsunami, drought, etc. If this imbalance continues, soon our life on earth would be difficult. The increase of Carbon-dioxide in air is one of the reasons for warming the earth’s surface. The most significant greenhouse gas is actually water vapor, not something produced directly by humankind in significant amounts. However, even slight increases in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) can cause a substantial increase in temperature. When the earth’s surface warms up it will eventually lead to evaporation of water. Water vapor, itself is a greenhouse gas. It is believed that the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere will continue due to ongoing burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Not only CO2 but other gases such as methane, CFCs, nitrous oxide, tropospheric ozone are also responsible for global warming. The increase in these gases is due to industrialization, deforestation, urbanization and increasing population. Nature has given us a mechanism to decrease the content of CO2 in atmosphere but we are exploiting it. Trees are the mechanism given to mankind as a gift from nature. Trees convert CO2 gas into Oxygen. This helps to decrease the CO2 content in atmosphere which eventually helps us prevent global warming. The question that should be put forward now is that if this mechanism only won’t exist then how will we prevent global warming? Human beings have always been exploiting nature. Trees have been cut down for the benefits of humans without realizing that it is going to affect us eventually. Deforestation is responsible for 25 per cent of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the burning and cutting of 34 million acres of trees each year. Everyday over 5500 acres of rainforest are destroyed. Increasing population is also one of the reasons for global warming. Approximately, 80 per cent of atmospheric C02 increases are due to man’s use of fossil fuels either in the form of coal, gas or oil. Vehicles with poor gas mileage contribute the most to global warming. Besides, the sulphur group gas is the most harmful for this. Its contribution is 30 per cent in global warming. This gas is also emitted from the burning of fossil fuels. One of the effects of global warming is rise in sea-level. It will lead to melting of glaciers and changes in rainfall patterns. The rate of melting glaciers have been increasing since the past decade. . The shrinking of glaciers is going to pose a major problem of drinking water. The sea levels as a result of melting of glaciers have risen from 0.35 mm to 0.4 mm. Scientists have warned in their reports that most of the glaciers will disappear within a period of 15 to 25 years. It will create problems of drinking water and food grains in most of the North American countries. India is not unaffected from it. The Himalayan glaciers have shrunk about 30 per cent after 1970. The rise in sea levels is a major cause of concern. A large number of cities located in coastal areas will submerge in the sea. Besides, many island countries will ultimately lose their existence and will be washed away from the surface of the earth. In India this effects may also threaten the Lakshadweep islands, Mu mbai and deltas of Ganges (West Bengal), Carvers (T.N), Godavari (AP) and Mahanadi, Orissa. India is also affected by global warming. As India is an agricultural country, it is largely dependent on rainfall but due to irregular rainfalls caused by global warming, the yield is decreasing every year. The rise in atmospheric temperature and fall in rain would naturally result in decline in crop production. Moreover, it would have great effect on biodiversity as well. Forestation can be of great help in this regard. Planting more trees worldwide will help restore the imbalance. Secondly, we must follow on environmental policy of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, i.e. promoting the reuse of anything. Thirdly, the use of fuel-efficient vehicles should be promoted as these vehicles have lower emissions of harmful gases. Fourthly, every individual should be aware of the importance of the protecting environment. Besides, eco- friendly technologies must be promoted, and must be substituted with the technologies which cause great emission of global warming gases. Many government agencies around the world are very interested in maintaining fossil fuel use, especially coal. Furthermore, we are not going to run out of coal in the near term (oil may begin to run low sometime after 2010). Methods for reducing carbon emission levels while still burning coal are now investigation by government and industry, as we now discuss. It is too late to debate on global warming. We need to take some measures to decrease global warming. Forestation can be of great help in this regard. Planting more trees worldwide will help restore the imbalance. Secondly, we must follow on environmental policy of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, i.e. promoting the reuse of anything. Thirdly, the use of fuel-efficient vehicles should be promoted as these vehicles have lower emissions of harmful gases. Fourthly, every individual should be aware of the importance of the protecting environment. Besides, eco- friendly technologies must be promoted, and must be substituted with the technologies which cause great emission of global warming gases. We should control the growth of population by decreasing birth rate. This can be done by proper family planning. We should reduce the use of chlorofloro carbons. More use of non-conventional source of energy like wind power and solar energy. It is said that â€Å"There is no place like home†and earth is our home so we need to protect it. Policies are made every day but do we follow it? The answer is â€Å"No†. We all are aware of global warming so we need to change the way we think that we can’t do anything and only the rich who are seated in the seats of government can save us. Who you are, whatever you are you can do something for your planet when you think global warming is a problem.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Annotated Bibliography On Criminal Justice System
Criminal Justice System The technological advancement era that has marred the 21st century has seen heightened increased surveillance and proactive crime investigations. Such growth has seen positive legislative moves that have allowed the use of telecommunication gadgets in monitoring trends of criminal activities and criminal gangs[footnoteRef:1]. Most commonwealth nation which United Kingdom is a member have since passed and enacted laws that provide some sort of immunities and exemptions for officers that may violate laws in the process of administering their works. [1: G. Marx, Undercoverâ€â€Police Surveillance in America (University of California Press: Berkeley, 1988); and C. Fijnaut and G. Marx (eds.), Undercoverâ€â€Police Surveillance†¦show more content†¦Consequently, the Canadian systems strives to strike a balance between crime control and prevention goals and equity, fairness, and protection of persons which are key to having a just system. Sweden on the other hand positions h er criminal justice system to reduce crime and secure her people[footnoteRef:3]. The Chinese system believes that a well functional society are key to having the right of every citizen protected. [3: ] World over, the criminal justice system work closely with undercover police units that are used to do unearth a series of sensitive evidence against law offender. By definition, undercover work as largely used is when police officers do not reveal their identities. As many opine, this form of policing takes a wider berth of forms and situation within which they operate. There is a general acknowledge among the justice system and the public on the need to have undercover policing in order to subvert threats to public safety such as terrorism Over the years, there have been ethical concerns over the works of undercover policemen both to the officers and those under study. The most essential to the system is the manner in which information is obtained and the more controversial is the means with which such information are obtained. Most laws have provisions that require undercover police and any other person within theShow MoreRelatedMental Health Disorders in the Criminal Justice System: Annotated Bibliography 2221 Words  | 9 Pagesof mental health disorders in the criminal justice system, prepared by Ogloff, J.R.P., Davis, M.R., Rivers, G. and Ross, S., Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra. In this research bulletin commissioned by the Criminology Research Council, Ogloff et al. review the level of screening and the instruments used across jurisdictions to assess mental illness in justice agencies. Ogloff et al. intend to highlight the need and argue for a nationwide system of screening of all accused offendersRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of The Bibliography1341 Words  | 6 Pages1. At the end of Week 6, your annotated bibliography is due. 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