Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Find out more about writing clear SOAP notes
Find out more about writing clear SOAP notes The How-To for Soap Note Writing The SOAP note is a document in the medical sphere, which contains all details of a patients medication. The title means Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plans. It is very important to control the accuracy of adequate treatment and in several situations to confirm the patient has got proper drugs and services. Its main goal is to help in standardization for medical cases. Description of SOAP Elements There are 4 main parts of this document according to its title: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plans. Here are the meanings of each paragraph: Subjective is a text written according to oral information provided by the patient. He explains his problem, symptoms, feelings, etc.; The objective includes the scientific researches and observation of his problem. Here should be all information that can help to investigate the reasons for disease and prescribe proper treatment; Assessment is a part of the different concepts of the patient. In addition, there must be the results of consultation with therapist according to previous findings in patients analyses and medical research; Plans mean the final actions for the patient to make him recover. Thanks to such a prescription, he will become healthy as soon as possible. Origin of SOAP The first notes about SOAP belong to 1960s. Exactly at that time, Dr. Lawrence Weed, who was a member of the University of Vermont, created the first SOAP document. During his professional experience, Dr. Lawrence always said that his invention must be very helpful in the problem-oriented medical record. And frankly speaking, this statement is absolutely true. All medical specialists will agree that SOAP notes are vitally important for all kinds of medical institutions. Besides, they usually have the template to help all colleagues to organize medical information for their sake. Besides, other establishments with another type of SOAP note may have difficulties with identifying the data in such documents. It means that nevertheless impressive usage of SOAP notes, the medical staff may have both advantages and disadvantages. Lets take a look and determine all the pros and cons of using SOAP. Advantages of SOAP Notes So such a job with SOAP notes brings lots of advantages for medical officers and patients. Its main goal is to make a uniform way to collect and organize all medical information of every single patient. Besides, this document helps not only to find the proper way of medical records standardization but also allows understanding the patients needs and most proper treatment for his case. Besides, the SOAP note is written using a special language so-called medical terms and abbreviations. Such an approach allows making the general base of words to improve the communications between medical officers. They can do it in the quickest and clearest manner. Disadvantages of SOAP Notes It is said such document usually includes numerous abbreviations. Medical workers are professionals and understand most of such terms. But people without medical knowledge or even education will have no opportunity to use it. But understand it is okay for such specific writing. Doctors in physiotherapy tent to consider this document to be very poor and limited. They insist that there are no full how-to for making SOAP notes more functional. Such an issue sometimes means more serious problems with reaching functional tasks. But lets be honest with each other in this situation. The SOAP notes include only 4 elements to make sense. If we try to increase its length and tasks, we will get a quite complicated file with numerous issues in its understanding. In any case, you can find out more about how to create a SOAP if you need it. Here is the professional guidance in making such text. How to Prepare a SOAP Note Now you know that medical documents are very important for doctors, patients, and other people in and outside this field. When you need health care, you require the best services, and the SOAP notes will be a part of its improvement. But due to numerous reasons, we can still face situations of ignoring SOAP rules. If we expect to make our best in the medical sphere, we have no right to miss any important detail. Thats why writing such document has minimum requirements to set staff free from the annoying job. Lets hope it will help to support the role of SOAP notes. There is no requirement in length and other things in writing SOAP texts. The content is much important for medical workers and patients than in the format. Thats why the first task for a writer is to control the quality of the text. Mistakes and misprints are not allowed. In any commercial or academic writing, even one mistake can ruin the general impression from content and cause serious problems. When it goes about writing SOAP notes, you are holding someone elses life in your hands. So be attentive and professional in your writing. Main Rules Thanks to recommendations of the American Physical Therapy Association, we have exact guidance of the SOAP notes content. It should include the following data: the full self-report of your patient (he must express all feeling and symptoms of current condition); the description of all interventions; the details of the equipment which was previously used; the response of your patient on each stage of medical research and treatment; the full descriptions of all issues, negative reactions, feelings, and complications (including patients complaint); main reasons why the intervention was changed; the list of reached goals; the details of communication (to estimate its quality for the future). As a professional medical officer, you must remember that your SOAP notes may someday be used by another doctor. For example, when you are still holding the case of this patient, you may require other specialists consultations. Or when your patient had already recovered and is going to require medical care in the future. Such factors make you ensure yourself that you properly write your SOAP notes and do not let any mistake to happen. In the previous paragraphs, we have already shortly described the main elements of SOAP notes. Lets have an in-depth look in writing the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plans. This guide will help you make informative text. How to Write a Subjective Part Writing this part starts with a close conversation with your patient. He must speak, and your task is to note. Let him share all feelings, problems, symptoms, and family history. Each thing may be important in the diagnostic field. Besides, sometimes not only patient participates in such conversation, but also his or her family members. In your text, you can use abbreviations or direct quotes. The main goal is to document the patients impressions of his condition. Thats why you can use suggestive questions to help him share each detail. But try to avoid closed questions which can give you a short answer yes or no. Such a conversation will be uninformative. Also, try not to judge the patient because he may be a little wiggly because of his feelings. Here are the main parts of your Subjective paragraph: the complaint; the painful feelings; description of how he got injury; the anamnesis (medical history of a patient). The Subjective part of SOAP notes is very important. It allows the doctor to make further conclusions. How to Write an Objective Part This part requires the writer to share all details from the medical side. It includes such tools as frequency, duration, amount, and used instrument. Also, notice in your SOAP note all kinds of patients reactions to the mentioned above methods. The Objective block usually consists of such elements: vision, circulation, range of motion, palpation, muscular test, additional experiments. Be very attentive to all reactions and actions while examining your patient. Also, remember the following rules: Highlight all special tests if you use them; Identify the possible injury to have more options on the next stage; Get as more details from your medical tools as you can; Prefer exact type of motion (active, passive, etc.) instead of general types. How to write an Assessment Part This part includes the professional point of view and final thoughts of the medical expert. He must share his ideas according to all findings which were gathered before. Besides clear conclusion, the doctor must explain why he makes such a conclusion, it means that all interventions must be based on rational facts and evidence. Besides writing an assessment, the writer must forecast negative consequences, terms of treatment. The positive response must also be there. Here is further information in making Assessment: Give the full description of each issue; Avoid general phrases which can twist your Plans and SOAP notes in general; Never make vague conclusions. After you are finished with your Assessment, you must keep writing SOAP note with the final paragraph called Plans. How to Write Plans As you have already understood, this is no unimportant part of SOAP notes. But Plans has much more meaning because it is the last element in the document. This part of SOAP is dedicated to the patients treatment, which may be described in different kinds from medication to urgent surgery. The doctor is obligated to include in the Plans, both short-term and long-term recommendations. For instance, short-term advice is to take pills. This is one of the most spread ways of treatment. Among the long-term analysis, you can find changing the lifestyle, etc. In addition, you can to the Plan block the expected results. It may be helpful for the future to analyze the advantages of exact treatment. To make the best Plans for SOAP notes, you should also remember: Your pieces of advice in the plan must be a daily basis; You are not allowed to give only general recommendations; Make sure that the upcoming plan is also added. The Best Tips in Making SOAP Note There is lots of information about the meaning and writing such documents. Try to use the following recommendations if you aspire to make the most informative: Make your SOAP notes simple and easy-to-understand. Remember that not only you but also other people should have an opportunity to read and use its information; Write your text straight according to the well-known sample in the medical field. Such an approach helps to keep the proper structure, tone of voice, and other standardized elements of notes; Add only fair and relevant information about the patients treatment. This is a golden rule which has no exceptions; Use only those word combinations and abbreviations which are proper for medical workers. It is a professional and humanistic way to do your job; Fill information right after you get it and never miss an important detail. Dont postpone your writing so you will describe your case fully and responsibly. Besides such recommendations remember these additional notes. You should always keep your writing away from: Using fake data about the patient and his treatment. Using terms and word combinations which are not relevant to well-known medical vocabulary. Include undefined and vague information. Make SOAP too long or too short. Infringe previously accepted SOAP note template. Use the following help and create high-quality documents in the medical sphere! If you need any help, you can ask us for a consultation. Feel free to get professional support in SOAP notes writing. Example of a SOAP Note To start writing the best SOAP, the author should see several good examples. We recommend you to get real notes and analyze them according to your experience before making your own text. You can also ask your teacher to give your SOAP notes with mistakes so you can find and fix them. Such homework will be best to check your knowledge and skills in making SOAP documents. In any case, such close acquaintance with SOAP notes will help you to improve your medical and writing skills. Save this article and share it with your colleagues to make a general contribution to health care department development. So SOAP is professional writing among medical specialists since the 1960s. This document has much more advantages and several small disadvantages, but the medical sphere does really require it. Both patients and doctors will get only benefits from such professional text.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Facing failure how to overcome and find success again
Facing failure how to overcome and find success again Failing at something triggers a ton of different emotions: the shame spiral, mountains of self-doubt, and fear-induced projections far into the future. The nagging perfectionist within can often take a small failure and blow it up exponentially. But while most of these perceptions are exaggerated in the moment, a setback can, in fact, have lasting effects on your future behavior. Whether these effects are positive or negative is up to you. Yes, the fear of failure can hold you back from future endeavors, like making a career move or taking risks in your job. But most successful people can take failure and turn it into opportunity. Mistakes are one of the primary ways that people learn. Dare I say, mistakes are good- and failure can be a powerful motivator that spurs on future success and keeps you moving forward, rather than holding you back.Dissecting failureYou don’t want to internalize failure, let it define you, or wallow in any single setback too long. Still, oftentimes w hen you face failure you have to be able to take a step back and really dissect the factors that contributed to the event. We tend to assign fault to ourselves pretty easily, but this is really a time where you want to let logic take over.Make a list of what factors were beyond your control. At work, there can be industry factors that lead to a bad string of luck, new competition, or a market downturn. But if a setback resulted from things that were in your control, what would you do differently?Once you assess the factors that led to the failure, you’re ready to make a plan for next time. How can you better anticipate factors outside your control? (Sometimes you can’t.) What new approach would you take if you could redo everything? By planning to take practical measures over an extended period of time, you can set yourself up for future success in similar situations.Defining failureSometimes, especially when factors are out of your control, you can’t prepare fo r a similar situation in the future. The only way to make it better is to build your resilience in overcoming a setback. How you respond to it and define it are equally important. A â€Å"failure†is often felt differently depending on your perspective. Walk through how you might perceive what happened if you heard the story from a friend or colleague. How would you reassure someone else that this setback wasn’t the end of the world?Another way to approach the problem is to alter your perception of your mistakes. Were you expecting too much of yourself? Let’s say, for example, the setback was not landing a new job that you really wanted. Because there are many factors that lead to a hiring manager choosing Candidate X over Candidate Y, your success or failure in landing a job may not be determined by any of your actions. You should redefine this situation in a positive light. If you made it to the interview stage of the process, you were a strong candidate. That should count as a success. The ability to redefine the situation is an integral part of the process of building your resilience.Defining goalsAnother important response to any setback is to look to the future. If you’re not where you want to be right now, picture your dream job or what success looks like in your current job. Then, consider one small practical goal that can get you moving in that direction. The setback can be motivation to set your sights on your next goal- and your next goal should not be, â€Å"I want to avoid x.†You want to take a positive track and work toward something (rather than running away from something). This is an important distinction, as the goal you have in mind should not be defined by past failures (or a continual reminder thereof).Defining fearsLastly, the main thing to avoid after facing failure is to let the fear of future failure govern your behavior. Make a list of your fears. Sometimes fears can also be closely aligned with you r goals. Sometimes, overcoming fear and running towards what scares you most can actually be your next goal, and can help you get on a path toward success.The point of failure and the fear that surrounds it is actually to fuel the fire that moves you forward. Allow failure to motivate you to take actions that will ensure your future success.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Research Methodologies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Research Methodologies - Assignment Example The world of banking finance is highly integrated with various kinds of complex concepts as well as various kinds of frameworks related to operating standards as well as legal issues. The integration of technology in its complex processes will no doubt help in better value generation for the customers while providing a level ground in regards to the competing of the financial organizations with each other. In this project, the focus is on gauging the impacts on the customers of Lloyd’s Bank with regards to growing general fascination towards internet banking. The research proposal for this topic comprises an introduction, a brief literature review as well as the method for conducting the research. Introduction The world of the 21st century promotes an environment where tremendous competition is a steady factor of everyday life of the masses around the world. The competition factor has become a constant issue in the modern day society mainly because of rapid technological chang es, which is coupled with fast paced development. The technological boom that has happened since the early part of the previous decade has brought into play a strong wave of technological enrichment of the lives of the masses in the developing as well as the developed countries. The technological boom of the early 2000s enrolled into effect tremendous amount of technological progress on the lines of telecommunication technology as well as the rapid acceptance and penetration of the internet. The high level of penetration of the internet has played a major role in creating a seamless virtual world in the internet domain, where there is no presence physical geographical boundaries. The virtual world which is connected through the internet platform has merged the various nations and countries around the world into a single entity. This has greatly facilitated the rise of various kinds of trends related to globalization and innovation. It has to be mentioned that the trends of innovatio n greatly facilitates in the process of new product development in various countries around the world. Interestingly, the virtual medium of the internet plays the role of communicating the value of the newly developed innovative products to the customers and target audience around the world thereby creating a typical trend of globalization. This trend of globalization, which might emerge from a market that can be either located in the developed or the developing region might result in the creation of demand for new kinds of products and services in various markets around the world (Doole and Lowe, 2008, p. 3). Sensing the demand for new kinds of products and services in various global markets, various organizations around the world are focusing on the process of market development. As a method of market development, the organizations which are based in a particular market are increasingly participating in entering in to foreign markets around the world. As per the current trend, due to the slowdown that is persisting in the economies of various developed markets present in the western nations of UK, Europe and USA, companies are increasingly focusing on new emerging markets of the BRIC nations. Thus, it has to be said that the development of business ventures of various international organizations is creating the need of highly dynamic
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Public Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Public Administration - Essay Example According to Max Weber’s policy, public administrators must be restricted to only laid down the policies in the discharge of their duties. But this would not help the country to have a proper and efficient public administration. The public administrators must have some amount of discretion as this would help them to resolve an issue based on the problem’s nature. The policies proposed by the government are generally common and it does not specify any external factor to tackle the problem. In this situation, the administrators must decide how to solve the issue by altering or modifying the proposed rules. They should have the rights to modify and implement the proposed policies. They must also have some amount of discretion so that they can decide how to serve the public in a better way. In a democratic country, the public administration cannot be carried out in an effective way without proposing new techniques and strategies. (Denhardt, 2009). The problem differs based on the situation and the same regulation might not work effectively for all sorts of issues. Instead it is better for the government to allow the public administrators to pursue their work with some discretion. This would enable them to help and serve people in a better way.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Visual entertainment media Essay Example for Free
Visual entertainment media Essay Visual entertainment media is a part of everyday life, anywhere from cellphones, television, internet, newspaper, etc. All of the forms of visual entertainment media have helped shaped America, also the culture and values that have developed over the years. The most common visual entertainment media form that has shaped, influenced, the culture and values in America is cable television. Cable television covers so many different forms within itself, news channels, religious channels, debate channels, and different types of local television programs. Each of these channels carries their own message, with entertainment values that are viewed by the person watching the program. Many forms of visual entertainment carry a negative social influence message, self-education is important on these types of visual entertainment in order to determine what best fits your personal situation. If there are, guidelines that are set on, what type of visual entertainment are acceptable, internet access, cell phone access, and television channels. Than the amount of negative influence, someone may be subjected to can be cut down dramatically, giving the opportunity for positive experiences to be put in its place. The idea of visual entertainment media is to help spread education, and social entertainment purposes. One way to ensure that this is the experience that is shared is to limit what you make available to your family and how much is acceptable. I think that it is very easy for adolescent minds to be subjected to influence, both positive and negative depending on what their social surrounding support frequently. If a child is exposed to violent, sexual, or death filled entertainment, it is more likely for them to incorporate these things into their everyday social environment. This affects their social behavior and attitudes to not only peers, but also any given situation. The influences these entertainment types have can either become a person or just be a part of everyday life. This solely depends on the person that is subjected to the visual entertainment, and how they conceive what is viewed into their everyday life. A minor is not in control of what they watch and cannot be responsible for making educated visual entertainment media choices, that being said they could not be responsible for the influence it has on them either.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
James Baldwins Narration and Analysis in Notes of a Native Son Essay
Experiences There is a very thin line between love and hate in James Baldwin’s essay â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.†Throughout this essay James Baldwin continually makes references to life and death, blacks and whites, and love and hate. He uses his small experiences to explain a much larger, more complicated picture of life. From the first paragraph of the essay to the last paragraph, Baldwin continually makes connections on his point of view on life; beginning with the day his father died, to the time that his father was buried. James Baldwin is an outstanding author, who creatively displays his ability to weave narration and analysis throughout his essays. The binaries between life and death play a huge role in Baldwin’s â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.†The day that James Baldwin’s father died, his mother had borne her last child. Although the day his father died was extremely upsetting, a new child coming into the world is exciting. This brings hope to the reader that eventually through all the trials and tribulations Baldwin goes through, that eventually he might find a state of peace. Baldwin’s father’s funeral happens to fall on Baldwin’s nineteenth birthday, which brings up another way Baldwin is able to show how life and death affect this essay. Instead of trying to deal with his father’s death with his family, Baldwin decides to celebrate his birthday with a bottle of whiskey and a girl that he knew. Baldwin is unsure of what to do now that his father is gone. He says, â€Å"I imagine I decided it, since, as the funeral hour approached, it became clearer and clearer to me that I would not know what to do with myself when it was over†(Baldwin 77). Baldwin figures that if he gets drunk enoug... to them and they would not tolerate it. So instead of cowering to the white girl’s â€Å"white power†they stood up for themselves; and showed this girl that she was not better than them just because of her skin color. It is these girls that help to diminish the â€Å"separate but equal†facilities. James Baldwin is an incredible essayist. He skillfully intertwines his own experiences growing up, into a more universal theory. Using binaries, Baldwin explains the hatred between whites and blacks and his desire for a change. His point of view on life is slightly different from the beginning of the essay to the last. However, he creatively shows these changes through narration and analysis. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.†1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York, New York, Library of America, 1998. 70-84.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Elegy for my father’s father" Essay
What is the true meaning of family? A support system. A unit that guides you through life. People that always have your best interest at heart. They are and will always be there for you. You are yourself around them and they never expect you to hold back. Joy and sorrow. Laughs and tears. All elements shared with family. This is not the case in all situations as seen in the poem elegy for my father’s father. Elegy for my father’s father is one stanza poem of sorrow and sadness. A poem written by a man who hardly knew his grandfather. Thus the title elegy for my father’s father which brings out the detached mood. The persona begins by telling the reader how they all knew this man died knowing he was emotionally detached from all those around him. He was an introvert and kept to himself. ‘O for all the tall tower broken memorial denied’ a sentence showing the little they had to remember him by. There were no marks of him and there was very little to him. ‘And the unchanging cairn that pipes could set ablaze An aaronsrod and blossom. ‘ There was no tombstone and instead Just a pile of stones on top of his grave. I believe this shows the little respect they had for him. They are not alone as nature also refuses to be one with him. No flower grows by his graveside. He is alone just like he was in real life. ‘They stood by his graveside from his bitter veins born And mourned him in their own fashion. ‘ The persona again describes his grandfather as a bitter angry man. The reader begins to get the immensity of anger that the persona has for his grandfather. The situation was so serious that his family did not know how to mourn him. There was no unity when they were mourning him and they as a result they all did it in their own ways. ‘A chain of sods in a day he could slice and build high as the head of a man And a flowering cherry tree On his walking shoulder held under the lion sun’ the persona finally gives an unexpected positive remark about this man. They honor his strength and endurance seen in his youth. He did intense amount of work and was able to accomplish it in the harshest of conditions. He was a ‘workaholic’. This could have been a way to ensure people kept off. The persona however jumps back into the negative comments. When he was old he had nothing to do except sit in his curved chair all day the kitchen fire. Perhaps a sense of pity for him. His family watched him waste time he could have made so much out of. He was quiet and observant. He scrutinized every detail but he kept all his observations to himself. He confined his feelings and wisdom. He was very mysterious. A lot of imagery is used in the lines describing this. The last eleven lines of the poem are all imagery. They show how the old man never spoke in times of joy. ‘This heart had never spoken in song or bridal bed’ He was shockingly also distant to his wife. A person who he should have at least been able to trust and express himself to. He was unable to reveal himself on his honeymoon. This shows how great his separation from all those around him was. The poem is of a mixed tone as there is an element of sorrow but at the same time there is celebration of life and reminiscing of the old man’s youthful days. The poet uses descriptive words that carry out the task of giving vivid illustration to the reader. The poem however does not have a flow as has no rhythm regularity. The poem is cyclic as the reader is taken through the old man’s life. The theme of family and its great impact on one’s life is seen throughout the poem.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Characteristics of the Accounting Information Systems
An accountant plays a vital role in any business; one can even say they are one of the most influential practitioners. For instance, accountants participant in generating rules and guidelines, advising day to day business activities, and even decision making. While the IT and IS communities are used frequently in many businesses, they are not the founders of the characteristics of useful information. The key reason behind this is due to the fact that accountants are the users of IS and IT communities.As being the primary users, one can expect the characteristics, rules, and guidelines for an information system to be designed by the accountants themselves. In a broader view, â€Å"accountants can assume three roles: designer, user, and auditor†(Gelinas, Dull 27). As a designer, the accountant can offer its knowledge of various principles (accounting principles and auditing principles), and various methods and techniques (information system and system development).In designing an accounting information system (AIS), the accountant can answer various questions that relate back to the seven characteristics of useful information systems. Some questions may include: â€Å"What will be recorded and how will transactions be recorded? When will the transaction be recorded and when will they be reported? What controls will be necessary to provide valid, accurate, and complete records? How much detail will reports need? †(Gelinas, Dull 27). If accountants did not design the AIS then these questions may be left unanswered without their expertise.Accountants perform many functions in an organization such as a â€Å"clerk, controller, treasurer, tax specialist, and financial analyst†(Gelinas, Dull 27). Therefore, it is necessary for them to use the AIS to perform their duties. As a user, it is imperative for the accountant to participant in the AIS process to make sure it contains the required features. In addition, knowing how to use the AIS technolo gy would be very beneficial in working effectively and efficiently. For example, a financial analyst would need to know how to store the data and access it, and how to present the information.Finally, as an auditor, one of their main interests in the AIS is the reliability of the data. Without reliability, auditors cannot â€Å"provide an opinion on the effectiveness and efficiency on internal controls†(Brazel 38). Accountants will remain the main users and as a user, an auditor as well. With the seven characteristics in mind, could they have evolved from the past? With technology not being as easily accessible as in today’s accounting world, one can assume that information was not as relevant, reliable, timely, or accessible.In relation, modern technology is so efficient in today’s world; therefore the flow of information can be quickly exchanged at any time. For example, Internet has allowed companies to send reports across the globe at any given time. This a bility gives accountants easy access to information and timely information. Without timely information, relevant and reliable information would be impossible. However, one possible disadvantage in today’s accounting world may be the relevance of the data. With such easy access to information, it can be more difficult to narrow down that information to its essence.Having too much information can make AIS more difficult to understand and increase uncertainty. Without being able to understand the AIS, an accountant cannot verify the same information. All these characteristics come hand in hand; if one characteristic fails then other characteristics will be affected. Although today’s accounting world has greatly shifted from the past, one cannot deny that the accounting community has always had a major impact in generating the characteristics of useful information.Older accounting communities created the building blocks of the characteristics. Technology merely enhanced th e flow of information and efficiency. Accounts will remain the designer, user, and auditors of the AIS. Work Cited Brazel, Joseph. â€Å"How Do Financial Statement Auditors and IT Auditors Work Together? †The CPA Journal (2008): 38-41. Print. Gelinas, Ulric J. , Richard B. Dull, and Patrick R. Wheeler. â€Å"Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting Information System. †Accounting Information Systems. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. 27-28. Print.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Showboat essays
Showboat essays Showboat is a musical production whose story takes place over fifty years. The movie deals with alcoholism, prejudice, and unhappy marriages. It was the very first musical to deal with issues such as those. The owner of the boat is Captain Hawks and he has a daughter, Magnolia. She falls in love with an actor, Gaylord Ravenal who gets a job on the Cotton Blossom (the name of the showboat). Magnolias parents are very strict and do not approve of him because he is a riverboat gambler. Magnolia and Gaylord end up getting married and this is a very unhappy marriage. Magnolia and Gaylord end up leaving the showboat because of her parents and they go live in Chicago. Their marriage is wrecked because Gaylord had an obsession with gambling and he loses all of their money. Magnolias closest friend on the boat Julie LaVerne is mulatto, which means she is half-black. Julie was married to a white man. When the sheriff discovers this they are forced to leave the showboat because the law in the south forbade that. This law, although not an actual law, is still upheld by numerous amounts of people. People frown upon it for many reasons such as they think it may cause problems for their kids, or because they are prejudice. They think that the mixing of races cant work in todays society. The marriage problem that Magnolia and Gaylord faced is a common problem among couples today. His obsession for gambling became so powerful that he let it take over his life. Fortunately this couples story had a happy ending, but in real life gambling problems be extremely harmful to marriages. ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Best Sex and the City Quotes
The Best Sex and the City Quotes The beloved HBO series Sex and the City (which ran from 1998 to 2004) changed societys view single women everywhere were perceived and showed there was no shame and a lot of empowerment in not having a man. It also delivered a boatload of great one-liners and sassy quotes from each of the shows star characters: Carrie, Miranda, Samantha, and Charlotte. Check out some of the funniest lines uttered by each of the ladies throughout the shows run. The Funniest, Cleverest, and Sassiest Sex and the City Quotes Charlotte: I am so confused. Is he gay or is he straight?Carrie: Well, its not that simple anymore. The real question is, is he a straight gay man or is he a gay straight man?Carrie voiceover: The gay straight man was a new strain of heterosexual male spawned in Manhattan as the result of overexposure to fashion, exotic cuisine, musical theatre and antique furniture.Vaughn: Hey, GQ called.Carrie: Really? They want you to write something?Vaughn: No, they want me to wear something. Its great to be a writer these days. Theres so little writing involved.Carrie: Just dont be photographed in anything sleeveless. No one who went sleeveless ever won a Pulitzer.Carrie: There is no way that the love that I had with Big is the same thing that he has with Natasha.Miranda: Natasha? When did you stop calling her the idiot stick figure with no soul? Samantha: From my experience, honey, if he seems too good to be true he probably is.Miranda, to Carrie, whos listening to an answering machine message from Big: We could analyze this for years and never know, I mean, they still dont know who killed Kennedy.Carrie: Charlotte was thrilled. Anthony was like the pushy Italian mother she never had. Carrie is having trouble driving a stick-shift car.Miranda: Why didnt you just get an automatic?Carrie: I love this car! It goes with my outfit.Carrie: So are you saying theres no way youd go out with a guy who lived with his family?Samantha: Well... maybe Prince William.Carrie: You just caught us a little off guard with the lesbian thing.Samantha: Thats just a label, like Gucci or Versace.Carrie: Or Birkenstock.Samantha on the Hermes Birkin bag: Oh honey, its not so much the style, its what carrying it means!Carrie: It means youre out four thousand bucks.Charlotte: I cant believe you took Ecstasy from a stranger!Samantha: Its not a stranger, it was a friend of my friend Bobbys friend Bobby.Miranda: Oh, well then we know its safe. Will we be going to a rave later?Carrie: Ive spent $40,000 on shoes and I have no place to live? I will literally be the old woman who lived in her shoes!Carrie: So youre a pessimist, right?Miranda: Have we met? Stanford: Before I tell you, you have to promise not to judge.Carrie: Do I judge?Stanford: We all judge. Thats our hobby. Some people do arts and crafts; we judge.Samantha: All of Manhattan is here.Stanford: Whos watching the island?Carrie: I tried the trapeze yesterday for that piece that Im writing.Charlotte: I could never! I have the most terrible fear of heights.Carrie: Well, I do not. Youve seen my shoes.Carrie, after being told to take off her shoes: But... this is an outfit!Charlotte: Did I ever tell you I was a cheerleader?Miranda: No, because you knew I would mock you endlessly.Charlotte: Big is in town?Carrie: Yeah, hes here for a little heart thing.Miranda: What, is he on the list to get one?Big: So I guess this is what wed be like in our 70s. No sex and board games.Carrie: Aww, youre already thinking about your next birthday?Samantha asks Carrie if the guy she just met (still within earshot) is straight or gaySamantha: Martini straight up or with a twist?Samantha: Besides , theres no such thing as bad publicity. Carrie: Yeah, you would say that youre a publicist.Miranda: gets hit in the head with Nerf ball I just realized... maybe its maturity or the wisdom that comes with age, but the witch in Hansel and Gretel shes very misunderstood. I mean, the woman builds her dream house and these brats come along and start eating it.Miranda: I spoke to a woman with a masters in finance all she wanted to talk about was her Diaper Genie.Carrie brought Miranda along for a double non-dateMiranda: looks at watch I have to go feed my cat.Carrie: voiceover Miranda had invoked our code phrase, honed over years of bad parties, awful dates and phone calls that wouldnt end. Unfortunately, I wasnt ready to accept defeat. out loud I thought you already fed your cat.Miranda: I have to feed it again.Manhattan Guy: Cat people all freaks.Carrie: When did being alone become the modern-day equivalent of being a leper? Will Manhattan restaurants soon be divided up into sections smoking / non-smoking, single / non-sin gle? Charlotte: How can you forget a guy youve slept with?Carrie: Toto, I dont think were in single-digits anymore. ​Trey: Youre learning Chinese?Charlotte: Well, just in case, I want to be able to speak to the baby.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Research Proposal
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine - Research Proposal Example ell research, this paper proposes a framework for the formulation of guidelines towards the payment for the donation of eggs for embryonic stem cell production and research. Stem cells are naà ¯ve cells that have the capability of differentiating or developing into other types of cells in the body. Currently, many types of stem cells have been identified: embryonic, adult and induced pluripotent stem cells. Adult stem cells come from adult tissues like adipose, bone marrow, retina, muscle, heart; their main purpose is to repair and replace worn out tissues in which they were found. These cells are called multipotent because they can only differentiate into limited tissue types. Some adult stem cells can be induced to produce all types of tissues; these are called the induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Although the potential of these cells is quite high, studies are still underway to understand how they can be utilized fully (Webb). The most studied and with the most potential are the highly controversial embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have two extraordinary properties that make them very medically useful. First, they are "pluripotent," with the capacity to become any type of the 200 specialized cells in the body; a heart-muscle cell that pumps blood, a cell in the retina of that sees light, an acid-producing cell in the stomach, or a brain cell that stores memories. Second, embryonic stem cells can keep dividing and making unlimited copies of themselves; an important property, since huge numbers of new cells may be needed to replace cells lost to disease. Embryonic stem cells, because of their ability to regenerate different tissue types, are thought by most scientists and researchers to hold potential cures for Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimers disease, heart disease, hundreds of rare immune system and genetic disorders, and many more. Over 100 million people suffer from diseases that
Friday, November 1, 2019
PTC PAPER Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
PTC PAPER - Lab Report Example arbitrated by specialized cells which communicate with brain cells through sensory neurons (Williams, Peter & Glyns 18).The perception involves one binding of the taste molecule to a receptor which is particular on taste cell surface then, a generation of nerve impulse by the taste cell which is then interpreted by the brain. This was shown when strips containing coffee without sugar, and with the addition of sugar were tested. Ability of tasting PTC is influenced by an inherited component. A single gene which codes for the receptor taste on the tongue influences the ability to feel or not to taste PTC. The gene is called PTC gene or the TAS2R38 and is mapped to q- arm that is chromosome 7 in man, and its discovery was in 2003 (Leguebe 970). In existence, there are two main alleles of PTC gene and rare ones are five in number. The alleles are tasting allele and none tasting allele which both code for taste bitter receptor protein. The shape of protein receptor determines the strength it binds to PTC. Bumps called papillae covers the entire tongue, and each papillae have numerous taste buds, which are filled by gustatory cells that are responsible for tasting. Each tip of the gustatory cell is significantly covered with assortments of receptors called bitter tastes and obtrudes through pore on the tongue surface. Stimulation of the receptors leads to the perception of signals. The signals are then carried to the brain by special nerves. The three samples of coffee of different concentrations; one without any addition of sugar, another one with addition of two spoons of sugar and the third one with three spoons of sugar added were dipped in PTC paper and test conducted to determine the level of taste as either very bitter or very sweet and in a scale of between 1 to 5, the results were noted in small tables. The experiment was repeated severally to determine the exactitude and also to show results among different individuals. From the experiment, we were able to
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